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Women of Holy Week


In the style of her bestselling Phoebe, Paula Gooder uses her extensive biblical expertise to retell the events of the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension through the eyes of nine female characters she imagines accompanying Jesus during these momentous days. Accompanied by nine colour illustrations, each story brings to life the tension, drama and shock of the events of Holy Week, banishing any over-familiarity and helping readers enter into the Passion narrative in a deeper, more meaningful way. Originally given as a series of addresses at Southwark Cathedral during Holy Week 2021, these nine stories are for all who long to encounter Jesus afresh through the Easter Story.

Paula Gooder (author), Ally Barrett (illustrator)


Chapter 1: Bethany's Anointed

* Summary: Jesus arrives in Bethany, where Mary of Bethany anoints his feet with expensive perfume. Judas Iscariot objects, arguing that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor.
* Real-life example: A wealthy woman decides to spend her inheritance on purchasing a lavish gift for a charity fundraiser instead of using it for personal gain.

Chapter 2: The Barren Fig Tree

* Summary: Jesus curses a barren fig tree on his way to Jerusalem. The withered tree symbolizes the inability of the Jewish religious leaders to bear spiritual fruit.
* Real-life example: A church congregation struggles to connect with the community and finds their efforts to bring in new members proving fruitless.

Chapter 3: The Temple's Wrath

* Summary: Jesus drives out the merchants and money-changers from the Temple in Jerusalem. He declares that God's house should not be turned into a marketplace.
* Real-life example: A pastor confronts a corrupt group of elders who have been manipulating church funds and abusing their power.

Chapter 4: The Anointed Bride

* Summary: The woman with the alabaster jar anoints Jesus' head in a second act of anointing. This time, the disciples are not scandalized, as they have come to understand Jesus' true nature.
* Real-life example: A group of women in a Bible study gather to support and uplift a friend who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Chapter 5: The Master's Will

* Summary: Jesus celebrates the Passover meal with his disciples and institutes the Lord's Supper. He shares bread and wine, representing his body and blood given for the forgiveness of sins.
* Real-life example: A small group gathers for a candlelit meal to share stories of gratitude for the sacrifices others have made in their lives.

Chapter 6: The Garden's Agony

* Summary: Jesus withdraws to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. The disciples fall asleep, and Jesus grapples with the weight of his impending death.
* Real-life example: A person wrestling with a difficult decision seeks solitude and prays for guidance and strength.

Chapter 7: The Betrayal's Kiss

* Summary: Judas Iscariot betrays Jesus with a kiss, delivering him into the hands of the Roman soldiers. The disciples flee in fear.
* Real-life example: A friend or family member breaks another person's trust, leading to betrayal and pain.

Chapter 8: The Cross's Embrace

* Summary: Jesus is crucified on Golgotha with two criminals. The Roman soldiers gamble for his clothes, and his mother watches in agony.
* Real-life example: A healthcare worker comforts a grieving family after a loved one passes away.

Chapter 9: The Tomb's Surrender

* Summary: Jesus' body is laid in a tomb. The women who witnessed his crucifixion stay nearby.
* Real-life example: A group of friends and family gather at a gravesite to mourn and remember the life of a loved one.

Chapter 10: The Resurrection's Dawn

* Summary: The women find the tomb empty on Sunday morning. They encounter Jesus, who instructs them to tell the disciples of his resurrection.
* Real-life example: A person experiences a personal breakthrough or transformation that gives them hope and a renewed sense of purpose.