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The Way of Mary


THE WAY OF MARY, MARYAM, BELOVED OF GOD is a weaving of strands from ancient sources, traditional stories, poetry, prayers of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, and beyond (with full colour illustrations), to reveal, through the illuminated being and twelve life stations of Beloved Mary, the palpable Oneness of all Creation, our Oneness in Spirit.

Camille Hamilton Adams Helminski


Chapter 1: The Call to Transformation

* Summary: Introduction to the concept of "transformation" in Mary's life and how it can inspire us.
* Example: Mary's acceptance of the angel's message, even though it brought challenges and risks.

Chapter 2: Surrendering to God's Will

* Summary: The importance of surrendering our control and embracing God's plan.
* Example: Mary's response to the angel's announcement, "Let it be to me according to your word."

Chapter 3: Faith in the Impossible

* Summary: The power of faith to overcome obstacles and believe God's promises.
* Example: Mary's unwavering belief that she would give birth to a son, even though it was considered impossible for a virgin.

Chapter 4: The Humility of True Greatness

* Summary: The connection between humility and true greatness.
* Example: Mary's humility amidst the momentous events of Christ's birth and resurrection.

Chapter 5: The Courage of a Mother

* Summary: The unwavering strength and courage of a mother who protects her child.
* Example: Mary's role in protecting Jesus from Herod's persecution.

Chapter 6: The Witness of a Follower

* Summary: Witnessing the path of Christ and staying faithful even in times of adversity.
* Example: Mary's presence at the crucifixion and her unwavering belief in Jesus' resurrection.

Chapter 7: The Glory of the Resurrection

* Summary: The triumph of hope and the promise of resurrection.
* Example: Mary's encounter with the risen Christ and her role in spreading the good news.

Chapter 8: The Legacy of Mary

* Summary: Mary's enduring legacy as a model of faith, surrender, and transformation.
* Example: The veneration of Mary in Christianity and her continued inspiration for believers.

Chapter 9: Our Own Transformation

* Summary: Applying the lessons from Mary's life to our own journey of transformation.
* Example: Trusting God's plan, embracing humility, and witnessing to Christ's message in our lives.