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Willkommen! 1 Coursebook


Heiner Schenke, Paul Coggle


Chapter 1: Kennenlernen (Getting to Know You)

* Introduces basic greetings, introductions, and personal information.

"Guten Tag, ich bin Anna." (Hello, I am Anna.)
"Wie heißen Sie?" (What is your name?)

Chapter 2: Zahlen und Uhrzeit (Numbers and Time)

* Covers numbers, time, and dates.

"Die Uhr ist acht Uhr." (It is eight o'clock.)
"Der Bus fährt um sieben Uhr." (The bus leaves at seven o'clock.)

Chapter 3: In der Schule (At School)

* Introduces vocabulary related to school, subjects, and school supplies.

"Ich habe Matheunterricht." (I have math class.)
"Ich brauche ein Heft." (I need a notebook.)

Chapter 4: Familie und Freunde (Family and Friends)

* Covers family relationships, friends, and hobbies.

"Das ist meine Mutter." (This is my mother.)
"Ich spiele gerne Fußball." (I like to play soccer.)

Chapter 5: Essen und Trinken (Food and Drinks)

* Introduces food, drinks, and restaurant vocabulary.

"Ich esse gerne Pizza." (I like to eat pizza.)
"Ich trinke gerne Saft." (I like to drink juice.)

Chapter 6: Einkaufen (Shopping)

* Covers vocabulary related to shopping, clothing, and money.

"Ich brauche neue Schuhe." (I need new shoes.)
"Wie viel kostet das?" (How much does it cost?)

Chapter 7: Freizeit (Free Time)

* Introduces activities, hobbies, and entertainment.

"Ich gehe gerne ins Kino." (I like to go to the movies.)
"Ich lese gerne Bücher." (I like to read books.)

Chapter 8: Reisen (Traveling)

* Covers vocabulary related to travel, transportation, and accommodations.

"Ich fliege nach Berlin." (I am flying to Berlin.)
"Ich brauche ein Hotelzimmer." (I need a hotel room.)

Chapter 9: Gesundheit (Health)

* Introduces vocabulary related to health, illnesses, and medical care.

"Ich habe Kopfschmerzen." (I have a headache.)
"Ich muss zum Arzt." (I need to go to the doctor.)

Chapter 10: Berufe (Occupations)

* Covers different occupations and career information.

"Ich bin Lehrerin." (I am a teacher.)
"Ich arbeite in einem Büro." (I work in an office.)