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What Is Christianity?


A fresh look at the basics of the Christian faith, written accessibly by one of the world's greatest living theologians.

Rowan Williams


Chapter 1: What Is Christianity?

* Summary: Explores the foundational beliefs of Christianity, such as the existence of God, the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ, and the role of faith in salvation.
* Real Example: The story of C.S. Lewis, a renowned atheist who converted to Christianity after experiencing a profound sense of awe and wonder in nature.

Chapter 2: The Bible

* Summary: Discusses the Bible as the Christian scripture, its historical development, and its authoritative role in Christian faith and practice.
* Real Example: The use of the Bible to guide the Christian life of the early church, as seen in the Acts of the Apostles.

Chapter 3: God

* Summary: Examines the Christian understanding of God as a transcendent, personal, and Trinity-based being.
* Real Example: The Trinity concept in action in the story of Jesus' baptism, where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all present.

Chapter 4: Jesus Christ

* Summary: Explores the life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God and the Savior of humanity.
* Real Example: The parable of the Good Samaritan, which illustrates Jesus' teachings on love and compassion.

Chapter 5: The Cross

* Summary: Discusses the significance of Jesus' crucifixion as the central event in Christian faith, through which he atoned for human sins and made reconciliation with God possible.
* Real Example: The use of the cross as a symbol of Christianity and a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus.

Chapter 6: Salvation

* Summary: Explains the Christian concept of salvation as the gift of eternal life from God through faith in Jesus Christ.
* Real Example: The story of Paul, a persecutor of Christians who converted after a transformative encounter with the risen Jesus.

Chapter 7: The Holy Spirit

* Summary: Explores the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life, as the divine power that indwells believers, guides them into truth, and empowers them for mission.
* Real Example: The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples at Pentecost, giving them supernatural abilities and boldness to preach the gospel.

Chapter 8: The Church

* Summary: Discusses the nature of the Christian church as the body of Christ, a community of believers united in faith, worship, and mission.
* Real Example: The early church in Jerusalem, as described in the Acts of the Apostles, where Christians lived in unity and shared their possessions.

Chapter 9: The End Times

* Summary: Explores Christian beliefs about the future, including the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment.
* Real Example: The vision of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation, which symbolizes the ultimate triumph of God and the establishment of a perfect and eternal kingdom.