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The Seven Storey Mountain


This title tells the story of Thomas Merton's search for faith and peace in a world which first fascinated and then appalled him. It is written with the profound insight of a man who has seen himself clearly.


Chapter 1: The Call

* Describes Thomas Merton's early life and his struggles with faith and meaning.
* Real Example: Merton recalls his experience as a young man, feeling a sense of emptiness and a longing for something more in life.

Chapter 2: The Search

* Merton explores the intellectual and spiritual traditions of various religions, seeking truth and fulfillment.
* Real Example: Merton describes his studies of Buddhism and Hinduism, searching for answers to life's big questions.

Chapter 3: The Conversion

* Merton experiences a profound spiritual revelation during a Christmas Eve vigil at a Catholic church.
* Real Example: Merton recounts the transformative moment when he felt the presence of God and realized his calling to Catholicism.

Chapter 4: The Novitiate

* Merton enters the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, beginning his journey as a Trappist monk.
* Real Example: Merton reflects on the challenges and joys of monastic life, including the discipline, prayer, and silence.

Chapter 5: The Profession

* Merton professes his solemn vows as a Trappist monk, committing himself to a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
* Real Example: Merton writes about the vows as a symbol of his surrender to God and his desire to follow Christ.

Chapter 6: The Hermit

* Merton receives permission to live as a hermit within the monastery grounds, seeking solitude and contemplation.
* Real Example: Merton describes the challenges of living alone, confronting his inner demons and embracing the silence of nature.

Chapter 7: The Writer

* Merton emerges as a prolific writer, sharing his spiritual experiences and insights through books, essays, and poetry.
* Real Example: Merton's book "The Seven Storey Mountain" becomes a bestseller, inspiring countless others with its honest and compelling account of his spiritual journey.

Chapter 8: The Ecstasy

* Merton experiences profound spiritual experiences, including visions and mystical encounters with God.
* Real Example: Merton describes a vision of Christ as a "burning bush" that filled him with joy and awe.

Chapter 9: The Agony

* Merton confronts the suffering of the world and struggles with his own doubts and fears.
* Real Example: Merton writes about his experiences during World War II, witnessing the horrors of war and the fragility of human life.

Chapter 10: The Call to Social Action

* Merton becomes increasingly involved in social justice issues, advocating for peace, nonviolence, and the poor.
* Real Example: Merton participates in civil rights demonstrations and writes about the need for Christianity to address societal problems.

Chapter 11: The Final Call

* Merton prepares for his death, reflecting on his life and legacy.
* Real Example: Merton writes about his hope for peace and unity in the world, and his desire to be remembered as a simple monk who sought to love God and serve others.