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The Prodigal Prophet


Most people, even those who are nonreligious, are familiar with the book of Jonah: a rebellious prophet defies God and is swallowed by a whale. Less familiar to most people is the second half of this Biblical story - what happens after Jonah is released from the belly of the fish. Yet it is in this second half of the story that one of the most powerful and important lessons of the Bible is hidden.

The famous story shows how, if we would understand the mercy of God, it will always take us in directions we would rather not go, toward people we would rather not care about, and ultimately into the deepest counsels of God. In a time of growing division, The Prodigal Prophet shows us God's love among people, and how Christians must listen to God's call even when it takes them to uncomfortable places.

The Prodigal Prophet won CRT Biblical Studies book of the year in 2019.

Timothy Keller


Chapter 1: The Prodigal's Call

* Summary: Introduces Esau McCauley, a successful businessman who leaves his lucrative career to pursue a calling to ministry. Despite opposition from his family and friends, Esau feels an overwhelming compulsion to share the gospel.
* Example: Esau's former boss, a wealthy entrepreneur, questions his decision to leave a promising career path for an uncertain future in ministry.

Chapter 2: The Wilderness Years

* Summary: Esau faces challenges and setbacks as he navigates the early years of his ministry. He preaches in small churches and struggles to gain recognition or financial support. However, he remains steadfast in his faith, relying on God's provision.
* Example: Esau travels to a remote village where he is mocked and ridiculed for his unconventional message.

Chapter 3: The Turning Tide

* Summary: Esau's ministry begins to gain momentum, as he encounters a group of young people who are hungry for spiritual truth. He establishes a church that quickly grows in numbers and influence.
* Example: A local university professor attends one of Esau's sermons and is deeply moved by his message.

Chapter 4: The Prodigal's Journey Home

* Summary: Esau returns to his hometown to reconcile with his family, who had initially rejected his calling. Through love and forgiveness, he bridges the gap and shares his newfound faith with them.
* Example: Esau visits his father, a former military officer who had always been skeptical of religion. However, through Esau's testimony and the example of his transformed life, he comes to believe in God.

Chapter 5: The Prodigal's Legacy

* Summary: Esau's ministry continues to expand, reaching across national borders. He preaches a message of hope, redemption, and reconciliation, inspiring countless lives.
* Example: A young man from a broken home finds hope and purpose through Esau's teachings. He becomes a successful businessman and dedicates his life to serving others.

Chapter 6: The Epilogue

* Summary: Esau reflects on his journey as a prodigal prophet, acknowledging his struggles and victories. He emphasizes the importance of following God's call, even when it leads to unexpected paths.
* Example: Esau shares a personal anecdote about a time when he faced a difficult decision and had to rely on God's guidance. He concludes by encouraging readers to trust in God's plan and to never give up on their dreams.