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The Problems of Philosophy


'Is there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?' Philosophy is the attempt to answer such ultimate questions, not carelessly and dogmatically, as we might deal with them in ordinary life, but critically, after analysing how and why the questions arise and clarifying the assumptions and concepts on which they are based. This classic work, first published in 1912, has never been supplanted as an approachable introduction to the theory of philosophical enquiry. It gives Russell's views on such subjects as the distinction between appearance and reality, the existence and nature of matter, idealism, knowledge by acquaintance and by description, induction, and the limits and value of philosophical knowledge. This edition includes an introduction by John Skorupski contextualizing Russell's work, and a guide to further reading.

Bertrand Russell


Chapter 1: What is Philosophy?

* Defines philosophy as the study of the fundamental nature of reality, knowledge, and values.
* Discusses different philosophical questions, such as "What is the meaning of life?" and "What is the nature of consciousness?"
* Example: The question of whether or not God exists has been a topic of philosophical debate for centuries.

Chapter 2: Knowledge and Certainty

* Examines the concept of knowledge and the different ways we can acquire it.
* Discusses the problem of skepticism and the possibility that we cannot know anything for certain.
* Example: The philosophical thought experiment known as "the brain in a vat" raises the question of whether our experiences are real or if we are just being deceived.

Chapter 3: Mind and Body

* Explores the relationship between the mind and the body.
* Discusses different philosophical theories, such as dualism and materialism.
* Example: The debate over whether consciousness is a separate entity from the physical brain has been a long-standing philosophical issue.

Chapter 4: Ethics

* Introduces the study of ethics and the different ethical theories that have been proposed.
* Examines ethical concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil, and virtue.
* Example: The ethical dilemma of whether or not to tell the truth in a situation where it could have negative consequences is a common philosophical topic.

Chapter 5: Metaphysics

* Explores the fundamental nature of reality.
* Discusses issues such as the nature of time, space, and causality.
* Example: The philosophical question of whether the universe had a beginning or is eternal has been a subject of debate among various philosophical traditions.

Chapter 6: Philosophy of Religion

* Examines the nature of religion and the existence of God.
* Discusses different philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God.
* Example: The philosophical argument known as the "ontological argument" asserts that the existence of God can be proven logically, based on the definition of God.

Chapter 7: Philosophy of Science

* Investigates the nature of science and scientific knowledge.
* Discusses issues such as the role of evidence, the limits of science, and the relationship between science and philosophy.
* Example: The philosophical debate over whether or not scientific theories can ever be proven to be true or false has been a recurring theme in the philosophy of science.

Chapter 8: Logic

* Introduces the study of logic and its role in philosophy.
* Discusses the principles of deductive and inductive arguments.
* Example: The philosophical concept of the "fallacy of affirming the consequent" illustrates how invalid arguments can arise.

Chapter 9: Political Philosophy

* Examines the nature of the state and the different forms of government.
* Discusses issues such as justice, freedom, and the role of citizens in society.
* Example: The philosophical debate over whether or not a government should be based on the principle of utilitarianism, which aims to maximize overall happiness, has been a topic of discussion for centuries.