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The Parables


The third volume in the Biblical Explorations series from bestselling New Testament writer Paula Gooder explores a major exponent of the Gospels: the parables of Jesus. Covering every parable, this volume focuses on some of the best-known stories in the gospels, mining their meaning afresh today. It considers why Jesus spoke in pictures and opens up the world behind the parables to reveal just how striking, memorable and challenging they were for their original hearers. Biblical Explorations is an exciting series that offers an accessible and informed study of the best loved texts in Scripture. Rooted in the conviction that greater understanding of the Bible leads to deeper discipleship, it is an essential resource for preachers, teachers and study group leaders, as well as those who simply wish to get to know the Bible better.


Chapter 1: The Parable of the Sower

* Summary: A farmer sows seeds on different types of soil, but only the seeds that fall on good soil grow to produce a harvest.
* Example: God's Word is like the seed, and different types of heart soil represent our receptivity to it. Hard soil (unbelieving hearts) rejects the Word, rocky soil (doubtful hearts) anfangs it but quickly falls away, thorny soil (worldly concerns) chokes the Word's growth, and good soil (receptive hearts) produces a fruitful harvest.

Chapter 2: The Parable of the Tares

* Summary: A field of wheat is contaminated with tares (weeds), and the owner decides to let them grow until the harvest so as not to uproot the wheat.
* Example: The Kingdom of God coexists with evil in the world, and the separation between the righteous and the wicked will only occur at the final judgment. It is important to be patient and allow God to handle the issue of evil in his own time.

Chapter 3: The Parable of the Mustard Seed

* Summary: A tiny mustard seed grows into a large tree, symbolizing the growth and expansion of God's Kingdom.
* Example: The Christian faith has humble beginnings but has spread throughout the world, transforming lives and communities.

Chapter 4: The Parable of the Leaven

* Summary: A small amount of leaven permeates the entire batch of dough, symbolizing the influence of the Kingdom of God on the world.
* Example: The Christian faith is a powerful force that can transform society and individuals, even when it seems small and insignificant.

Chapter 5: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

* Summary: A man discovers a hidden treasure in a field and sells everything he has to buy it.
* Example: The Kingdom of God is like a precious treasure that is worth surrendering everything to obtain. It brings immeasurable joy and fulfillment.

Chapter 6: The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price

* Summary: A merchant finds a pearl of great value and sells all his other pearls to buy it.
* Example: The Kingdom of God is like a priceless pearl that is worth sacrificing everything else for. It is the ultimate treasure that brings lasting joy and satisfaction.

Chapter 7: The Parable of the Dragnet

* Summary: A fisherman casts a net into the sea and catches both good and bad fish.
* Example: The church is like a net that gathers people of all kinds, both righteous and wicked. At the final judgment, the wicked will be separated from the righteous and cast away.

Chapter 8: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

* Summary: A shepherd searches diligently for a lost sheep and leaves the ninety-nine to find it.
* Example: God is like a loving shepherd who seeks out lost and straying sinners and brings them back to his fold.

Chapter 9: The Parable of the Lost Coin

* Summary: A woman searches diligently for a lost coin and rejoices when she finds it.
* Example: God rejoices over the salvation of even one sinner, just as the woman rejoiced over finding her lost coin.

Chapter 10: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

* Summary: A rebellious son leaves home but later returns, repentant and seeking forgiveness.
* Example: God is a loving Father who welcomes his children back, no matter how far they have wandered astray.