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The Mystical City Of God


A highly successful abridgment of the monumental 2,676 page, 4 volume life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as seen in mystic vision by Venerable Mary of Agreda (1602-1665). This book overflows with enthralling information about Our Lord and Our Lady, about the creation of the world, the meaning of the Apocalypse, Lucifer's rebellion, the location of hell, the hidden life of Jesus, etc. Reveals that St. Joseph ate meat, but Our Lord and Our Lady seldom did. Makes Christ's hidden life come alive. Acclaimed by the popes, cardinals and theologians—one of the greatest Catholic books ever.


Chapter 1: The Garden of the Spouse

This chapter introduces the concept of the Mystical City of God, a spiritual allegory representing the soul's journey towards union with God. It compares the soul to a beautiful garden, where God is the Spouse who cultivates and delights in it.

A devout Christian feels a sense of deep intimacy with God, experiencing their soul as a blooming garden adorned with the graces of prayer, meditation, and acts of charity.

Chapter 2: The Seven Mansions

This chapter describes seven mansions within the Mystical City, each representing a stage of spiritual development. The soul must pass through these mansions, growing in love and detachment, to reach the final union with God.

A person progresses through the mansions of humility, poverty, and mortification, shedding worldly attachments and developing a profound desire for spiritual union.

Chapter 3: The Interior Castle

This chapter explores the interior of the Mystical City, revealing four concentric chambers. Each chamber represents a higher level of contemplation, prayer, and mystical experience.

A contemplative soul enters the first chamber, experiencing simple vocal prayer. As they advance through the chambers, their prayer becomes more silent, leading to moments of deep communion with God.

Chapter 4: The Song of Songs

This chapter interprets the biblical Song of Songs as an allegory of the soul's mystical union with God. It describes the language of love, longing, and ecstasy experienced by the soul in this state.

A lover of God experiences the Song of Songs as a profound expression of their desire for and union with the divine Spouse. They find comfort and joy in the words of the Bride and the Bridegroom.

Chapter 5: The Ascent of Mount Carmel

This chapter explores the ascetic path leading to mystical union. It describes the soul's ascent up Mount Carmel, a metaphorical mountain representing the challenges and purification necessary for union with God.

A spiritual seeker engages in practices of self-denial, prayer, and meditation to purify their soul and ascend the path of mystical ascent. Through these practices, they overcome temptations and distractions.

Chapter 6: The Dark Night of the Soul

This chapter describes a period of intense spiritual darkness experienced by many mystics. It is a time of purification and testing where the soul feels abandoned by God.

A devout soul experiences a period of spiritual dryness and inner turmoil, questioning their faith and feeling disconnected from God. However, through this darkness, they are purified and prepared for deeper union.

Chapter 7: The Living Flame of Love

This chapter describes the transformative experience of union with God. It is a state characterized by intense love, peace, and an awareness of the divine presence.

A mystic experiences a moment of profound ecstasy and love, feeling completely consumed by the presence of God. This transformative experience brings a deep understanding of the nature of the divine and a lasting peace.