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The Kingdom of God


Jesus often speaks of the kingdom of God. But what is it? When is it? Why is it so important? Understanding and participating in God's kingdom on earth is central to our Christian life. It will transform our picture of who God is and what Christianity is all about. These ten studies will help readers explore the many different aspects of that kingdom. The new and revised titles feature questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a 'now or later' section in each study.

Greg Jao


Chapter 1: The Kingdom of God

* Summary: Jesus announced the arrival of the Kingdom of God, a present reality and a future hope that transforms people and societies.
* Example: The healing of the paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) demonstrates the Kingdom's power to restore physical and spiritual health.

Chapter 2: The Characteristics of the Kingdom

* Summary: The Kingdom of God is characterized by:
* Reign of God: God's ultimate rule over all creation.
* Liberation: Freedom from oppression and sin.
* Justice: Rectification of wrongs and restoration of equality.
* Peace: Harmony and reconciliation within and between individuals and communities.
* Example: The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) outlines ethical principles that promote the Kingdom's values.

Chapter 3: The People of the Kingdom

* Summary: Members of the Kingdom of God are:
* Disciples of Jesus: Committed followers who seek to live in accordance with his teachings.
* People of faith: Those who trust in God's promises and rely on his grace.
* Children of God: Adopted into God's family and endowed with his Spirit.
* Example: The story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) illustrates God's unconditional love and acceptance of those who repent and return to him.

Chapter 4: The Mission of the Kingdom

* Summary: The primary mission of the Kingdom of God is proclamation, healing, and reconciliation.
* Proclamation: Announcing the Good News of God's salvation and inviting people to join the Kingdom.
* Healing: Restoring brokenness in people's physical, emotional, and spiritual lives.
* Reconciliation: Mending relationships between individuals and communities, and bridging the gap between God and humanity.
* Example: The ministry of Jesus (Matthew 4:23-25) serves as a model for the Kingdom's compassionate and transformative work.

Chapter 5: The Kingdom and the World

* Summary: The Kingdom of God stands in tension with the values and systems of the world.
* Conflict: The Kingdom challenges worldly power, wealth, and status.
* Persecution: Followers of Jesus may face rejection and hostility from those who oppose the Kingdom's ideals.
* Separation: While the Kingdom is present in the world, its true citizenship is in heaven.
* Example: The parable of the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) depicts the coexistence of the Kingdom and the forces that oppose it.