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The Justification of God


John Piper presents a careful, reasoned study of the doctrine of election. He dissects Paul's argument to highlight the picture of God and his righteousness painted in Romans 9. Undergirded by his belief that the sovereignty of God is too precious a part of our faith to dismiss or approach weak-kneed, Piper explores the Greek text and Paul's argument with singular deftness.


Chapter 1: The Problem of Evil

* Summary: Explores the classic argument against God's existence based on the presence of evil in the world. Argues that if God is good and all-powerful, how can he allow suffering?
* Real Example: The suffering of innocent children in war or disease can challenge the belief in a benevolent God.

Chapter 2: Freedom of Will

* Summary: Proposes that God's justice is compatible with allowing evil because he has granted humans free will. Examines the implications of human responsibility for their actions.
* Real Example: The Holocaust was not justified by God but was the result of human evil choices.

Chapter 3: The Problem of Hell

* Summary: Addresses the apparent contradiction between God's love and the concept of eternal punishment in hell. Argues that hell is not arbitrary but a consequence of rejecting God's grace.
* Real Example: The story of the prodigal son illustrates that God's love extends to all, but humans have the freedom to choose separation from him.

Chapter 4: The Trial of Jesus

* Summary: Examines the historical and theological implications of the trial and execution of Jesus. Argues that Jesus' death was both a demonstration of God's wrath and a sacrifice that atoned for humanity's sins.
* Real Example: The cross symbolizes the ultimate expression of both God's justice and his merciful love.

Chapter 5: The Resurrection of Jesus

* Summary: Explores the evidence for Jesus' resurrection and its significance for Christian faith. Argues that the resurrection vindicates God's justice and raises hope for eternal life.
* Real Example: The story of the empty tomb provides historical support for the belief in Jesus' triumph over death.

Chapter 6: The Justice of God in the End

* Summary: Discusses the future judgment of God and the nature of his justice. Argues that God's judgment will be impartial and that ultimate justice will be done.
* Real Example: The parable of the sheep and the goats illustrates the consequences of human actions and the importance of living in accordance with God's will.