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The Jesus Prayer


The Jesus Prayer is the most popular devotional prayer in the Orthodox Church and increasingly popular in the West. A simple and direct method of invoking the mercy of Jesus Christ by repeating his Holy Name, it is a way of obeying St Paul's instruction to "pray always". In an increasingly noisy and frenetic world, the Jesus Prayer offers us an oasis of inner peace and a lifeline back to God.



Chapter 1: The Prayer of the Heart

* Explains the origins of the Jesus Prayer, its simplicity, and its power to transform the heart.
* Example: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

Chapter 2: The Path of Repentance

* Emphasizes the importance of repentance as a precondition for receiving the grace of the Jesus Prayer.
* Example: Confessing past sins, seeking forgiveness, and renouncing worldly attachments.

Chapter 3: The Watchfulness of the Mind

* Stresses the need to guard the mind from distractions and to maintain constant awareness of God's presence.
* Example: Practicing mindfulness, dismissing intrusive thoughts, and focusing on the prayer.

Chapter 4: The Breath of Prayer

* Links the Jesus Prayer to the natural rhythm of breathing, helping to deepen the connection with God.
* Example: Inhaling while saying "Lord Jesus Christ," exhaling while saying "have mercy on me."

Chapter 5: The Language of the Heart

* Explains that the Jesus Prayer is not merely a verbal formula but a heartfelt expression of love and dependence.
* Example: Praying with sincerity, conviction, and a longing for God's grace.

Chapter 6: The Prayer of Love

* Emphasizes the transforming power of the Jesus Prayer as it fills the soul with divine love and compassion.
* Example: Experiencing a sense of peace, joy, and communion with God.

Chapter 7: The Prayer of Union

* Describes the ultimate goal of the Jesus Prayer as a mystical union with God, where the individual becomes one with the divine.
* Example: Achieving a state of perfect love, stillness, and transcendence of self.

Chapter 8: The Fruits of the Prayer

* Highlights the many spiritual benefits of practicing the Jesus Prayer, including peace, healing, and transformation.
* Example: Witnessing increased clarity of mind, reduced stress, and a deeper connection to others.

Chapter 9: The Challenges of the Prayer

* Acknowledges that the path of the Jesus Prayer is not without its challenges, such as distractions, doubts, and spiritual dryness.
* Example: Persevering through moments of struggle and seeking support from a spiritual guide.

Chapter 10: The Call to Prayer

* Encourages readers to embrace the Jesus Prayer as a transformative force in their lives and to make it a daily practice.
* Example: Committing to praying the Jesus Prayer regularly, both formally and spontaneously.