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The Gospel of Mark


The Gospel of Mark, addressed to an early Christian community perplexed by failure and suffering, presents Jesus as suffering Messiah and Son of God. Recognizing that failure and suffering continue to perplex Christians today, world-renowned New Testament scholar and theologian Francis Moloney marries the rich contributions of traditional historical scholarship with the contemporary approach to the Gospels as narrative. Now in paperback, this commentary combines the highest-level scholarship with pastoral sensitivity. It offers an accessible and thoughtful reading of Mark's narrative to bring the Gospel's story to life for contemporary readers.

Francis J.,SDB Moloney


Chapter 1: John the Baptist and Jesus' Baptism

* John the Baptist preaches a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
* Jesus is baptized by John and receives the Holy Spirit.

Real Example: A pastor leads a baptismal service where individuals repent and are immersed in water as a symbol of their new life in Christ.

Chapter 2: Jesus' Early Ministry in Galilee

* Jesus performs miracles, including healing the sick and casting out demons.
* He teaches in parables, such as the parable of the sower.

Real Example: A missionary goes to a remote village and heals a woman with leprosy, demonstrating God's power and compassion.

Chapter 3: Jesus Chooses His Disciples

* Jesus calls 12 disciples to follow him.
* He gives them authority to heal the sick and cast out demons.

Real Example: A youth group leader mentors and trains young people to become leaders in their communities.

Chapter 4: The Parables of the Kingdom

* Jesus teaches through parables about the nature of the Kingdom of God.
* He speaks about the sower, the mustard seed, and the leaven.

Real Example: A pastor uses a parable to illustrate the importance of sharing the gospel with others.

Chapter 5: Jesus Calms the Storm and Raises a Girl from the Dead

* Jesus stills a raging storm on the Sea of Galilee.
* He raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead, demonstrating his authority over life and death.

Real Example: A believer prays during a hurricane, and the storm miraculously weakens.

Chapter 6: Jesus' Rejection in His Hometown

* Jesus returns to Nazareth, where he grew up, but is rejected by his people.
* He performs a few miracles and leaves, disappointed by their lack of faith.

Real Example: A missionary faces opposition and rejection from those they seek to reach.

Chapter 7: Jesus' Teachings on Purity and the Great Commandment

* Jesus condemns the Pharisees for their hypocritical practices.
* He teaches that the greatest commandment is to love God and neighbor.

Real Example: A church community rallies to support a refugee family, putting love into action.

Chapter 8: The Feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus' Transfiguration

* Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish.
* He is transfigured on Mount Tabor, revealing his divine glory to his disciples.

Real Example: A church organizes a food drive to provide meals for the hungry in their community.

Chapter 9: Jesus Predicts His Death and Resolves to Save

* Jesus predicts his death and resurrection to his disciples.
* He teaches the importance of humility, service, and forgiveness.

Real Example: A pastor leads a retreat where participants confront their own need for forgiveness and reconciliation.

Chapter 10: The Rich Young Ruler and Divorce

* Jesus encounters a rich young man who cannot bear to leave his wealth.
* He teaches about the difficulty of the wealthy entering the Kingdom of God.

Real Example: A millionaire struggles to find fulfillment despite his material possessions.

Chapter 11: The Triumphal Entry and Cleansing of the Temple

* Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling prophecy.
* He cleanses the temple of money changers and merchants.

Real Example: A group of young Christians organize a city-wide clean-up to restore their community.

Chapter 12: Jesus' Final Teachings in Jerusalem

* Jesus teaches about the future destruction of the temple and the signs of his second coming.
* He warns against false prophets and the dangers of wealth.

Real Example: A church congregation studies the book of Revelation to prepare for the end times.

Chapter 13: The Olivet Discourse

* Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple and the signs of the last days.
* He emphasizes the need for vigilance and faithfulness.

Real Example: A family prays together during a natural disaster, seeking God's protection and guidance.

Chapter 14: The Last Supper and Jesus' Betrayal

* Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples.
* He predicts his betrayal by Judas and is arrested.

Real Example: Churches observe communion as a remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice and his command to love one another.

Chapter 15: The Crucifixion and Resurrection

* Jesus is crucified and buried.
* On the third day, he rises from the dead, conquering death and sin.

Real Example: Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as a day of hope and victory, knowing that Jesus' resurrection has defeated evil and opened the way to eternal life.