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The Gospel According to Luke


An excellent new commentary on the New Testament Gospel

James R. Edwards


Chapter 1

The chapter introduces the author, Luke (or "Theophilus"), who writes to an unnamed individual about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. It recounts the angelic visitations to Zechariah and Mary, announcing the births of John the Baptist and Jesus, respectively.

Real Example:
The angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah, a priest, and announces that his wife Elizabeth, who is barren, will give birth to a son (John the Baptist).

Chapter 2

The chapter narrates the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the visit of the shepherds. It also includes the events of Jesus' childhood, such as his presentation in the temple and his visit to the temple at the age of twelve.

Real Example:
Mary gives birth to Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem. Shepherds hear the announcement of Jesus' birth from angels and come to worship him.

Chapter 3

This chapter introduces John the Baptist, who preaches a message of repentance and forgiveness. It includes his baptism of Jesus and the subsequent descent of the Holy Spirit upon him.

Real Example:
John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the River Jordan. As Jesus is baptized, the heavens open, and a voice from heaven says, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."

Chapter 4

The chapter recounts Jesus' temptation in the wilderness and his subsequent return to Galilee. It also includes his first sermon at Nazareth, where he declares himself as the Messiah and reads from the Book of Isaiah.

Real Example:
Jesus is tempted by the devil in the wilderness. He rejects the devil's temptations and returns to Galilee to begin his ministry.

Chapter 5

This chapter focuses on Jesus' fishing miracle at the Sea of Gennesaret and the calling of his first disciples. It also includes the healing of the demon-possessed man in the synagogue and the healing of Peter's mother-in-law.

Real Example:
Jesus miraculously catches a large number of fish in the Sea of Gennesaret. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John leave their fishing occupation to become Jesus' disciples.