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The Conspiracy Against the Human Race


His fiction is known to be some of the most terrifying in the genre of supernatural horror, but Thomas Ligotti's first nonfiction book may be even scarier. At once a guidebook to pessimistic thought and a relentless critique of humanity's employment of self-deception to cope with the pervasive suffering of their existence, The Conspiracy against the Human Race may just convince readers that there is more than a measure of truth in the despairing yet unexpectedly liberating negativity that is widely considered a hallmark of Ligotti's work.


Chapter 1: The Nature of the Conspiracy
* Explains the idea that there is a hidden group of powerful elites working to control the human population.
* Real example: The Bilderberg Group, an annual private conference attended by influential politicians, bankers, and business leaders.

Chapter 2: The Occult Roots of the Conspiracy
* Explores the occult and esoteric influences behind the alleged conspiracy.
* Real example: The Rosicrucians, a secretive society that some believe is involved in the conspiracy.

Chapter 3: The Suppression of Knowledge
* Argues that the elites suppress information that could expose the conspiracy.
* Real example: The "Flat Earth" conspiracy theory, which the author claims is deliberately discredited despite scientific evidence.

Chapter 4: The Control of the Mind
* Discusses the use of propaganda, mass media, and education to manipulate human thinking.
* Real example: The use of fear-mongering and sensationalism in the news to control public opinion.

Chapter 5: The Control of the Body
* Examines the alleged use of chemicals, drugs, and other methods to control physical health and behavior.
* Real example: The use of fluoride in drinking water, which some believe is a government mind control agent.

Chapter 6: The Control of the Spirit
* Explores the suppression of spirituality and the promotion of materialism and secularism.
* Real example: The decline of religious belief in the Western world.

Chapter 7: The Goal of the Conspiracy
* Argues that the ultimate goal of the conspiracy is to create a "New World Order" controlled by a global elite.
* Real example: The formation of international organizations such as the United Nations, which some believe are paving the way for world government.

Chapter 8: Resistance and Liberation
* Encourages readers to resist the conspiracy and fight for freedom.
* Real example: The rise of alternative media sources and grassroots movements.

Chapter 9: The Future of Humanity
* Speculates on the future of humanity in light of the alleged conspiracy.
* Real example: The author's belief that humanity will eventually overcome the conspiracy and achieve true freedom.