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Sensing God


A practical introduction to Christian meditation, with 46 daily Lenten reflection inspired by relevant Gospel passages, and weekly sections designed to support the continuing development of the practice.

Laurence Freeman


Chapter 1: Sensing God's Presence

* Explains the nature of God's presence and discusses how it can be sensed through daily experiences.
* Example: Feeling a sense of peace and tranquility while sitting in nature, recognizing it as God's presence in creation.

Chapter 2: Listening to God's Voice

* Explores different ways God communicates, including through thoughts, feelings, and Scripture.
* Example: Hearing a gentle whisper in your heart telling you to forgive someone, understanding it as God's voice guiding your actions.

Chapter 3: Discerning God's Will

* Guides readers in seeking clarity about God's direction for their lives through prayer, meditation, and seeking wisdom from others.
* Example: Praying for guidance before making a major decision, feeling a strong sense of conviction about the right path.

Chapter 4: Sensing God's Love

* Emphasizes the power of God's love and how it can be experienced through relationships, nature, and life's challenges.
* Example: Feeling overwhelmed with gratitude and love while spending time with a loved one, recognizing it as a reflection of God's boundless love.

Chapter 5: Sensing God in the Bible

* Explores how reading and studying the Bible can enhance one's ability to sense God's presence and purpose.
* Example: Reading a passage about God's faithfulness and being reminded of His constant presence in your life.

Chapter 6: Sensing God in Creation

* Highlights the beauty and wonder of the natural world as a mirror of God's creativity and majesty.
* Example: Standing on a mountaintop and marveling at the vastness of the landscape, experiencing a deep connection with God's grandeur.

Chapter 7: Sensing God's Goodness and Mercy

* Examines how God's goodness can be experienced through both blessings and challenges, and how His mercy brings restoration and healing.
* Example: Facing a difficult situation and finding strength and comfort in the knowledge of God's goodness and the promise of His mercy.

Chapter 8: Sensing God's Presence in Community

* Emphasizes the importance of connecting with other believers and experiencing God's presence through their love and support.
* Example: Attending a worship service and feeling a profound sense of connection with God and the congregation.

Chapter 9: Sensing God's Presence in Suffering

* Explores the challenges of experiencing God's presence during times of suffering and loss, offering hope and encouragement.
* Example: Finding comfort in God's love and faithfulness despite experiencing a personal tragedy.

Chapter 10: Practicing the Presence of God

* Provides practical tips and exercises for intentionally seeking God's presence in daily life.
* Example: Spending time each day in prayer, meditation, or journaling to cultivate awareness of God's presence.