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Revelation for Everyone


Revelation for Everyone is the final book in the For Everyone New Testament Series by Tom Wright. This end times commentary is aimed at all Christians looking to understand this complex book in a fresh way.


Chapter 1: The Unveiling of Jesus

* John receives a vision of Jesus in glory, with messages for seven churches.
* Example: The church of Ephesus is praised for its labor and endurance, but criticized for losing its first love.

Chapter 2: Messages to the Seven Churches

* Jesus addresses each church individually, commending some and reprimanding others.
* Example: The church of Smyrna is encouraged to endure persecution, while the church of Pergamum is warned against compromising with paganism.

Chapter 3: The Vision of the Throne

* John sees God seated on a throne in heaven, surrounded by angels and elders.
* Example: The four living creatures represent the majesty and holiness of God.

Chapter 4: The Lamb and the Seven Seals

* Jesus appears as a Lamb with seven seals, which represent future events.
* Example: The opening of the first seal reveals a white horse, symbolizing conquest and victory.

Chapter 5: The Scroll and the Lamb

* The Lamb takes a scroll from God's right hand, containing the titles of the elect.
* Example: The scroll represents God's plan for salvation and the triumph of Christ over evil.

Chapter 6: The Seven Seals Opened

* The seals are opened one by one, revealing various judgments on the earth: war, famine, death, and environmental disasters.
* Example: The fourth seal brings a pale horse, representing Death, which kills one-fourth of mankind.

Chapter 7: The 144,000 Sealed

* Angels seal 144,000 people from the twelve tribes of Israel to protect them from the coming judgments.
* Example: The number 144,000 symbolizes the completeness and perfection of God's chosen people.

Chapter 8: The Seven Trumpets

* Seven angels blow trumpets, each unleashing a different plague or judgment on the earth.
* Example: The second trumpet causes a mountain of fire to fall into the sea, turning a third of it to blood.

Chapter 9: The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets

* Locusts and horses from the abyss are unleashed to torment mankind.
* Example: The locusts have human faces and scorpion tails, representing the torment of spiritual deception.

Chapter 10: The Mighty Angel

* A mighty angel descends from heaven, holding a small scroll in his hand.
* Example: The angel represents God's messenger, who brings a message of judgment and hope to the world.