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Redeemed from Poverty, Sickness, and Spiritual Death


The Blessings of Redemption Examined Abraham's Blessings Are Yours In Redeemed From Poverty, Sickness, and Spiritual Death, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin explains in great detail how Jesus Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Old Testament Law and opened the way for us to instead enjoy the blessings of Abraham: financial prosperity, health, and spiritual redemption! Teachings in this innovative book answer questions such as: - What is the curse of the Law? - Is it wrong to have money? - How do sin and wrongdoing open the door to sickness and disease? - Can mankind be saved from spiritual death by his conduct or good works? - How can I take advantage of what belongs to me in Christ?

Kenneth E Hagin


Chapter 1: The Wages of Sin

Summary: Sin separates us from God and leads to poverty, sickness, and spiritual death. The consequences of sin are evident in the brokenness and suffering we see in the world.

Example: A homeless man begging for money on the streets, struggling with addiction and ill health.

Chapter 2: God's Provision for Redemption

Summary: God's love and mercy provide us with a way to be redeemed from sin and its consequences. Through Jesus Christ, we can receive forgiveness, healing, and eternal life.

Example: A person who was once imprisoned for a crime, but found redemption through faith in Jesus and now lives a life transformed and free from addiction.

Chapter 3: The Power of Faith

Summary: Faith in God is the key to receiving His blessings and overcoming life's challenges. When we believe in His promises, we activate His power in our lives.

Example: A woman diagnosed with a terminal illness who clung to her faith and prayed for healing, eventually experiencing a miraculous recovery.

Chapter 4: Walking in Obedience

Summary: Obedience to God's commands is essential for experiencing His redemption. When we follow His ways, we align ourselves with His purposes and receive His blessings.

Example: A family who struggled financially but chose to tithe regularly, trusting that God would provide for their needs. They were amazed to see their finances improve significantly.

Chapter 5: The Gift of Prayer

Summary: Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us with God and brings about His intervention in our lives. Through prayer, we can access His wisdom, power, and healing.

Example: A young man who was struggling with depression and anxiety found solace and guidance through regular prayer. He experienced peace and a renewed sense of hope amidst his challenges.

Chapter 6: The Importance of Community

Summary: God created us to live in community with others. When we connect with like-minded believers, we can support, encourage, and lift each other up.

Example: A support group for individuals who have overcome addiction provides a safe and nurturing environment where they can share their experiences, offer encouragement, and hold each other accountable.

Chapter 7: Living in Joy and Fulfillment

Summary: When we live in accordance with God's principles, we experience true joy and fulfillment. This inner peace and contentment are not dependent on external circumstances but flow from our relationship with Him.

Example: A single mother who faced numerous challenges raised her children with love and taught them the importance of faith. Despite her circumstances, she found joy in her family and her service to others.