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Fifty years after the Vatican Council's Decree on the Renewal of Religious Life (Perfectae Caritatis, 1965), the Church reflected in this document on the great force for evangelisation that lies with today's consecrated men and women.

Such witness - love for God and neighbour, love of the cross and the hope of future glory - speaks to the far corners of today's world and is to be greatly valued.

Proclaim continues the reflection which began in the Letters Rejoice, Keep Watch and Contemplate so that the insights of the Year of Consecrated Life may continue to bear fruit.

Catholic Church


Chapter 1: The Power of Proclaiming

Proclaiming, in this context, refers to boldly and purposefully declaring God's Word and its promises over oneself, others, and situations. The author emphasizes that God's Word is powerful and carries creative force, and by aligning our words with His, we release its power in our lives.

Real-Life Example:
A woman named Sarah had been struggling with infertility for many years. She began to consistently proclaim the scriptures about God's promise of children. Over time, her belief grew, and miraculously, she conceived and gave birth to a son.

Chapter 2: Proclaiming God's Character

The author encourages us to focus on proclaiming God's character, such as His love, faithfulness, and might. By doing so, we shift our mindset towards a positive and hopeful perspective, recognizing God's presence and ability in our lives.

Real-Life Example:
A man named John lost his job during a recession and faced immense anxiety. He started to proclaim scriptures about God's provision and protection. This helped him stay grounded and trust that God would provide for his family even in challenging times.

Chapter 3: Proclaiming God's Promises

God has made countless promises in His Word, and the author encourages us to identify and specifically proclaim those that are relevant to our situations. By doing so, we activate His promises and declare our faith in their fulfillment.

Real-Life Example:
A couple named Mark and Jessica were struggling with financial difficulties. They began to proclaim scriptures about God's abundance and blessing. As they did, opportunities for income suddenly opened up, confirming God's faithfulness to His promises.

Chapter 4: Proclaiming Blessings over Others

Proclaiming blessings over others is a powerful act of love and support. The author encourages us to speak words of encouragement, healing, and prosperity over the lives of our family, friends, and community.

Real-Life Example:
A group of friends gathered around a young woman named Emily who was going through a difficult time. Together, they proclaimed scriptures of hope, healing, and restoration. Emily felt her spirits lifted and knew that she had a community that believed in her.

Chapter 5: Proclaiming over Situations

The author emphasizes that we have the authority to proclaim God's Word over any situation, no matter how difficult or overwhelming. By speaking faith-filled words, we release God's power and see His intervention.

Real-Life Example:
A church faced opposition from the local authorities who threatened to close it down. The congregation refused to be silenced and began to proclaim scriptures of victory and protection. To their amazement, the authorities suddenly reversed their decision, allowing the church to continue operating freely.