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Politics of Touch


Political philosophy has long been bound by traditional thinking about the body and the senses. Through an engagement with the state-centered vocabulary of this discipline, Politics of Touch explores the ways in which sensing bodies continually run up against existing political structures. In this groundbreaking work, Erin Manning reconsiders how new politics can arise that challenge the national body politic.

In Politics of Touch, Manning develops a new way to conceive the role of the senses, and of touch in particular. Exploring concepts of violence, gender, sexuality, security, democracy, and identity, she traces the ways in which touch informs and reforms the body. Specifically considering tango-a tactile, rhythmic, and improvisational dance- she foregrounds movement as the sensing body's intervention into the political. With a fresh vision and an original theoretical basis, Manning shows the ontogenetic potential of the body, and in doing so, redefines our understanding of the sense of touch in philosophical and political terms.  

Erin Manning is assistant professor of fine arts at Concordia University and the author of Ephemeral Territories (Minnesota, 2003).


Chapter 1: The Politics of Touch

* Examines the historical and cultural significance of touch in human interactions.
* Argues that touch is a political act, shaping power dynamics and social relations.
* Real example: The handshake, which can symbolize dominance, submission, or equality.

Chapter 2: Touching and the Self

* Explores how touch shapes our sense of self and identity.
* Discusses the role of physical boundaries, personal space, and the "tactile envelope."
* Real example: A person with a disability may experience different touch experiences than someone without a disability, affecting their self-perception.

Chapter 3: Touching and Others

* Analyzes the social and cultural norms governing touch in various contexts.
* Examines the power imbalances and consent issues that arise when touching occurs between individuals of different social statuses.
* Real example: The #MeToo movement highlights the political and social implications of inappropriate touching.

Chapter 4: Touching and the Body

* Explores the physical and emotional effects of touch on the body.
* Discusses the therapeutic and healing properties of touch, as well as the potential for harm and abuse.
* Real example: Massage therapy can promote relaxation and reduce stress, while physical assault can cause significant trauma.

Chapter 5: Touching and Technology

* Examines the impact of technology on touch experiences.
* Discusses the increasing use of touchscreens and other technologies that mediate physical interactions.
* Real example: Social media platforms like Facebook encourage virtual connections, which can both supplement and replace in-person touch.

Chapter 6: Touching and the Future

* Speculates on the future of touch in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
* Considers the ethical and social implications of touch-based technologies and the potential for new forms of touch experiences.
* Real example: Augmented reality glasses could enhance touch experiences by providing virtual sensations or creating immersive environments.


* Summarizes the main arguments and findings of the book.
* Emphasizes the importance of understanding the political, social, and cultural dimensions of touch.
* Calls for a more nuanced and sensitive approach to touch in all aspects of human interactions.