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NIV Gospel of Mark for Journalling


Mark's Gospel tells the complete story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Facing every page of Scripture in this elegant presentation of Mark's Gospel is a lined page for note-taking and journalling. Use it during sermons, Bible studies or as part of your own devotions to capture your response to God's word, be it artistic, academic or somewhere in between.

This edition uses British spelling, punctuation and grammar to allow the Bible to be read more naturally.

Royalties from all sales of the NIV Bible help Biblica in their work of translating and distributing Bibles around the world.

New International Version


Chapter 1

* Summary: Jesus' baptism, temptation, and calling of disciples.
* Real Example: A journal entry reflecting on the impact of Jesus' baptism and subsequent temptation on the writer's own life.

Journal Entry:

"Jesus' baptism by John in the Jordan River was a powerful moment, symbolizing his identification with our humanity and his willingness to endure suffering. His subsequent temptation in the wilderness reminds me that I too am tempted to stray from God's path. However, Jesus' victory over temptation gives me hope that I can overcome my own struggles."

Chapter 2

* Summary: Jesus heals a paralytic, forgives sins, and calls Levi.
* Real Example: A journal entry exploring the implications of Jesus' forgiveness and the challenges of following him.

Journal Entry:

"Jesus' healing of the paralytic shows me that God desires to heal both our physical and spiritual wounds. His forgiveness of sins offers me hope and freedom from guilt. Following him is not always easy, but I am reminded that he is with me on this journey, just as he was present with Levi when he called him."

Chapter 3

* Summary: Jesus chooses the Twelve Apostles, heals on the Sabbath, and responds to accusations of being possessed by Satan.
* Real Example: A journal entry reflecting on the role of the church and the dangers of attributing God's work to evil.

Journal Entry:

"Jesus' choice of the Twelve Apostles reminds me that he desires to use ordinary people to accomplish his extraordinary purposes. His healing on the Sabbath challenges my own preconceived notions about what is right and good. By calling out the false accusations of his opponents, Jesus exposes the dangers of misinterpreting God's work."

Chapter 4

* Summary: Jesus teaches in parables, calms the storm, and heals a Gerasene demoniac.
* Real Example: A journal entry exploring the power of parables and the importance of faith in times of adversity.

Journal Entry:

"Jesus' parables are like seeds, planted in my heart to bear fruit in my life. They challenge me to think deeply about the kingdom of God and my place within it. In the midst of the storm on the lake, Jesus' command to be still reminds me that he has the power to calm the chaos in my life. The healing of the Gerasene demoniac shows me that even in the darkest places, Jesus can bring light and freedom."

Chapter 5

* Summary: Jesus heals a Jairus' daughter, a woman with a hemorrhage, and a blind man.
* Real Example: A journal entry expressing gratitude for Jesus' healing power and the importance of seeking his help in all things.

Journal Entry:

"Jesus' healing of Jairus' daughter, the woman with a hemorrhage, and the blind man fills me with awe and gratitude. He is the ultimate healer, both physically and spiritually. I am reminded that I can turn to him in all my needs, and he will provide the help and healing I require."