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Meeting God in Mark


Rowan Williams explores the essential meaning and purpose of St Mark's Gospel for complete beginners - as well as for those who've read the Gospel many times before and want to see it in a fresh light.


Chapter 1: The Gospel as Encounter

* Summary: The Gospel of Mark presents a compelling narrative of Jesus' life and ministry, focusing on his encounters with the divine and with people. It emphasizes the need for a transformative encounter with God that leads to discipleship and service.
* Real Example: The healing of the paralyzed man (Mark 2:1-12) illustrates how Jesus' encounters with people were not merely miraculous acts but transformative experiences that led to faith and healing.

Chapter 2: The Mystery of the Kingdom

* Summary: Mark's Gospel conveys the central message that the Kingdom of God is present in Jesus Christ. It highlights the paradoxes and challenges of the Kingdom, which calls for humility, service, and acceptance of the marginalized.
* Real Example: The parable of the sower (Mark 4:1-20) illustrates the different responses to the Kingdom, emphasizing that true discipleship bears fruit through perseverance and faithfulness.

Chapter 3: Jesus as Revealer of God

* Summary: Mark's Gospel reveals the multifaceted nature of God through the words and actions of Jesus. God is portrayed as a compassionate and forgiving Father, yet also as a judge and a source of mystery.
* Real Example: The calming of the storm (Mark 4:35-41) demonstrates Jesus' authority over nature and his role as the Son of God, revealing God's power and control.

Chapter 4: The Call to Discipleship

* Summary: Discipleship in Mark's Gospel involves sacrificial love, obedience, and a willingness to follow Jesus on the path of suffering. It includes a call to leave behind comforts and worldly possessions.
* Real Example: The call of the disciples (Mark 1:16-20) illustrates the radical nature of discipleship, requiring a complete abandonment of one's previous life to follow Jesus.

Chapter 5: The Cross and Resurrection

* Summary: The climax of Mark's Gospel is the account of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. It emphasizes the significance of the cross as a means of redemption and the power of God's love to overcome evil and death.
* Real Example: The story of Barabbas (Mark 15:6-15) provides a stark contrast between the compassionate Jesus who saves and the unjust leaders who release a murderer.

Chapter 6: The Great Commission

* Summary: Mark's Gospel concludes with the Great Commission, a mandate for disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations. It emphasizes the need to witness to God's transformative power through love, service, and evangelism.
* Real Example: The experience of the women at the empty tomb (Mark 16:1-8) demonstrates the transformative power of the resurrection, which empowers disciples to proclaim the Good News and bear witness to the presence of God among them.