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Just This


Just This is a collection of brief and evocative meditations and practices. It invites us to cultivate the gift of waking up to the beauty of reality in all its glorious ordinariness. With his signature blend of contemplation, theology and pastoral sensitivity, Fr Richard Rohr creates a spaciousness for the soul to grow into a kind of seeing - one that goes far beyond merely looking, to recognizing and thus appreciating.

This is the heart of contemplation, the centerpiece of any inner dialogue that frees us from the traps of our perceptions and preoccupations. The contemplative mind does not tell us what to see; it teaches us how to see what we behold.

Praise for Richard Rohr's The Divine Dance:
'A beautiful choreography for a life well-lived.'
Bono, U2


Chapter 1: The Tyranny of Now

* Summary: Our constant preoccupation with the past and future robs us of the joy and focus on the present moment. We live in a state of constant distraction and anticipation, missing the beauty and richness of the here and now.
* Example: Instead of fully savoring a beautiful sunset, we may be thinking about the work we have to do tomorrow or dwelling on past regrets.

Chapter 2: The Practice of Presence

* Summary: To overcome the tyranny of now, we must cultivate the practice of presence. This involves being fully attentive to the present moment without judgment or expectation. We can do this through mindfulness exercises and simple acts like listening deeply to others and appreciating the beauty around us.
* Example: Taking a mindful walk, paying attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations of our surroundings, can help us become more present.

Chapter 3: The Power of Acceptance

* Summary: Resistance to the present moment only creates suffering. To find peace and fulfillment, we need to accept what is, without trying to change it or dwelling on how it should be different. Acceptance allows us to release the grip of the past and embrace the unknown.
* Example: If we find ourselves stuck in traffic, instead of becoming frustrated, we can accept the delay and use the time to listen to music or reflect on our thoughts.

Chapter 4: The Illusion of Control

* Summary: We often strive for control over our lives, but this is ultimately an illusion. The future is uncertain, and we cannot predict or control everything that happens. By releasing our need for control, we can reduce stress and anxiety and find greater freedom.
* Example: Instead of micromanaging our day or worrying about future events, we can focus on what we can actually control, such as our thoughts and actions.

Chapter 5: The Dance of Imperfection

* Summary: Life is imperfect, and it is futile to strive for perfection. Embracing our flaws and imperfections can lead to greater self-acceptance and compassion. We are all unique and have our own limitations, and we should not compare ourselves to others.
* Example: If we make a mistake, instead of beating ourselves up, we can acknowledge it and learn from it. This allows us to grow and become more resilient.

Chapter 6: The Gratitude Habit

* Summary: Gratitude can shift our perspective and help us appreciate the good things in our lives. Cultivating a gratitude habit involves intentionally focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and expressing thankfulness for them. This can help us become more optimistic and joyful.
* Example: Keeping a gratitude journal or sharing our gratitude with others can help us cultivate this habit and appreciate the beauty and abundance in our lives.

Chapter 7: The Art of Non-Judgment

* Summary: Judgment creates separation and conflict. To live a more peaceful and harmonious life, we need to cultivate non-judgment towards ourselves and others. This involves observing our thoughts and behaviors without attaching labels or judgments.
* Example: When we notice a negative thought about someone, we can simply observe it without labeling it as "good" or "bad." This allows us to develop greater compassion and understanding.

Chapter 8: The Power of Presence in Relationships

* Summary: Presence is essential for healthy and meaningful relationships. By being fully present with those we love, we can build deeper connections and foster greater intimacy. This involves listening attentively, expressing our love and appreciation, and creating a safe and supportive environment.
* Example: When talking to a friend or loved one, we can put away distractions and give them our undivided attention, allowing them to feel heard and valued.

Chapter 9: The Alchemy of Surrender

* Summary: Surrender is not about giving up or becoming passive. It is about releasing our attachments to outcomes and allowing life to unfold as it will. By surrendering, we can find greater peace and trust in the universe.
* Example: If we are facing a difficult situation, instead of trying to force a specific outcome, we can surrender to the process and trust that everything will unfold as it is meant to.

Chapter 10: The Journey of Letting Go

* Summary: Letting go is a powerful tool for freeing ourselves from the past and creating a more positive present. This involves releasing negative emotions, grudges, and limiting beliefs that hold us back. By letting go, we can make room for new experiences and growth.
* Example: If we are holding onto anger towards someone who has wronged us, we can choose to let go of the bitterness and forgive them. This will allow us to move forward with our lives and create more space for love and compassion.