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Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes


Beginning with Jesus' birth, Ken Bailey leads us on a study of Jesus in the four Gospels. He examines the life and ministry of Jesus with attention to the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, Jesus' relationship to women and especially Jesus' parables.

Kenneth E. Bailey


Chapter 1: The Jesus of Nazareth and the Jesus of Faith

* Summary: Explores the tension between the historical Jesus of Nazareth and the Jesus of Christian faith. Argues that both perspectives are essential for understanding Jesus's life and message.
* Real Example: The discovery of the Nazareth Inscription in 1961, which provides archaeological evidence for the existence of a Jesus of Nazareth.

Chapter 2: The Context of Jesus's Life

* Summary: Provides historical and cultural context for Jesus's time, including the Roman occupation, the influence of the Torah, and the Jewish sects of Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes.
* Real Example: The Dead Sea Scrolls, which shed light on Jewish society and religious practices in the 1st century CE.

Chapter 3: The Baptism of Jesus and the Announcement of the Kingdom

* Summary: Examines Jesus's baptism by John the Baptist and his subsequent announcement of the Kingdom of God. Discusses the significance of the Jordan River and the symbolism of baptism.
* Real Example: The excavation of the Qumran caves, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, provides insights into the role of baptism in Jewish sects of the period.

Chapter 4: Jesus's Miracles

* Summary: Analyzes Jesus's miracles in the Gospels, emphasizing their healing and liberating nature. Argues that these miracles should be understood within the context of Middle Eastern medicine and belief systems.
* Real Example: The story of Jesus healing the blind man (Mark 8:22-26), which draws parallels to ancient Near Eastern traditions of curing eye ailments.

Chapter 5: Jesus's Parables

* Summary: Explores the imagery and symbolism of Jesus's parables, using Middle Eastern folk wisdom and storytelling techniques as a lens.
* Real Example: The parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32), which reflects the Middle Eastern proverb "Even a small thing can become great."

Chapter 6: Jesus's Teachings on the Law and the Sabbath

* Summary: Examines Jesus's interpretations of Jewish law and his teachings on the Sabbath. Argues that Jesus challenged traditional practices while upholding the spirit of the law.
* Real Example: The story of Jesus healing a man on the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28), which raises questions about the limits of religious authority.

Chapter 7: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus

* Summary: Explores the historical and religious significance of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. Discusses the political backdrop of the Roman execution and the theological implications of his rising from the dead.
* Real Example: The Shroud of Turin, which has been claimed to be the burial cloth of Jesus but remains a subject of debate.

Chapter 8: Jesus's Legacy and Impact

* Summary: Examines the impact of Jesus's life and teachings on the world, including the rise of Christianity and the development of Western civilization.
* Real Example: The influence of Jesus's teachings on the civil rights movement and the work of Mahatma Gandhi.