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Islam and the Destiny of Man


Gai Eaton's Islam and the Destiny of Man is a wide-ranging study of the religion of Islam from a traditional point of view. Covering all aspects that a reader would wish to know about Islam-including the Qur'an, the life of the Prophet, Islamic history, Islamic law, art and mysticism-Islam and the Destiny of Man explains what it means to be a Muslim and describes how Islam has shaped the hearts and minds of Muslims down the centuries. However, in Islam and the Destiny of Man, Gai Eaton is concerned not simply with Islam in isolation, but with the very nature of religious faith, its spiritual and intellectual foundations and the light it casts upon the mysteries and paradoxes of the human condition.

Gai Eaton, Islamic Texts Society


Chapter 1: Creation and the Purpose of Man

* Summary: Explains the Islamic concept of creation, with man as the pinnacle of God's creation and the purpose of worshiping and serving Him.
* Example: Adam and Eve were created as the first humans, entrusted with the responsibility of being God's stewards on Earth.

Chapter 2: The Mission of Islam

* Summary: Outlines the role of Islam in guiding and reforming human civilization, with its focus on justice, mercy, and unity.
* Example: The spread of Islam throughout the world in the early centuries led to advancements in science, medicine, and philosophy.

Chapter 3: The Nature of Man

* Summary: Examines the dual nature of man, being both prone to good and evil, and emphasizes the importance of self-restraint and moral discipline.
* Example: The Prophet Muhammad taught that every human being is born with an innate inclination towards goodness (fitrah), which can be corrupted by external influences.

Chapter 4: The Hereafter and Accountability

* Summary: Explains the Islamic belief in the afterlife, where individuals will be held accountable for their actions and rewards or punished accordingly.
* Example: The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in the Qur'an illustrates the consequences of earthly wealth and the importance of righteous deeds.

Chapter 5: The Path to God

* Summary: Outlines the different ways to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, charity, and other acts of worship.
* Example: The Five Pillars of Islam, including the daily prayers (salat), serve as a foundation for spiritual growth and connection with God.

Chapter 6: The Role of Women in Islam

* Summary: Explores the status of women in Islamic society, emphasizing their rights and responsibilities and rejecting cultural practices that discriminate against them.
* Example: The Prophet Muhammad appointed women to positions of authority and encouraged their education and participation in public life.

Chapter 7: Islam and Modern Civilization

* Summary: Examines the challenges and opportunities for Islam in the modern world, calling for a balanced approach that respects Islamic values while embracing scientific and technological progress.
* Example: The integration of Muslim immigrants into Western societies has led to the rise of diverse and vibrant Muslim communities.

Chapter 8: The Destiny of Man

* Summary: Concludes the book by emphasizing the ultimate goal of human existence as reaching Paradise, a place of eternal happiness and fulfillment.
* Example: The story of the Prophet Muhammad's journey to Heaven (Miraj) provides a glimpse of the rewards that await those who follow the path of righteousness.