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"Jesus' final cry on the cross-"it is finished"-captures the theology of Hebrews. Thomas R. Schreiner clarifies Hebrews's complex argument by keeping a sustained focus on its logical flow. He interprets Hebrews in light of its prominent structures of promise and fulfillment, eschatology, typology, and the relationship between heaven and earth. Schreiner probes the letter's unique theological contributions, such as its presentation of Jesus' divinity and humanity, his priesthood and sacrifice, the new covenant, warnings and exhortations, and the reward for those who persevere in Christ. The Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC) series locates each biblical book within redemptive history and illuminates its unique theological contributions. All EBTC volumes feature informed exegetical treatment of the biblical book and thorough discussion of its most important theological themes in relation to the canon-all in a style that is us


Chapter 1: The Superiority of Jesus Christ

* Jesus is God's final and definitive revelation, superior to all previous prophets.
* He is the radiance of God's glory and the exact imprint of his being.
* He sustains the universe by his powerful word and has purified us from our sins.
* Jesus sits at the right hand of God, far above all angels and authorities.

Example: The prophet Moses was a great leader and lawgiver, but Jesus is the one who fulfilled the Law and brought salvation to the world.

Chapter 2: The Danger of Drifting Away

* God's word is living and active, and we must pay attention to it.
* Those who neglect their salvation will face severe consequences.
* We need to be encouraged and strengthened by one another to stay faithful.

Example: The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because they disobeyed God. We must learn from their mistakes and remain committed to our faith.

Chapter 3: The Rest of God

* Jesus is our great high priest who intercedes for us before God.
* We must enter God's rest by having faith in Jesus and obeying his commandments.
* Those who harden their hearts against God will not enter his rest.

Example: God promised the Israelites a land flowing with milk and honey, but they forfeited it because of their unbelief. We must have faith in God's promises and not doubt his faithfulness.

Chapter 4: The Word of God

* God's word is a two-edged sword that pierces and exposes our hearts.
* We must be honest with ourselves and allow God's word to challenge and change us.
* Jesus is our compassionate high priest who understands our weaknesses and helps us overcome them.

Example: As a surgeon uses a scalpel to remove diseased tissue, God's word exposes our sin and weaknesses so that we can be healed and restored.

Chapter 5: The Great High Priest

* Jesus is our great high priest who offers sacrifices to God on our behalf.
* He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses because he himself experienced temptation.
* He is the mediator between God and humanity, making atonement for our sins.

Example: In the Old Testament, the priests offered daily sacrifices for the sins of the people. Jesus offered a perfect sacrifice once and for all, securing eternal redemption for us.

Chapter 6: Perseverance and Hope

* We must persevere in our faith, even in times of difficulty.
* God is faithful and will reward our endurance.
* We have a sure and steadfast anchor in Jesus, who will never let us down.

Example: Abraham waited patiently for God to fulfill his promise of a son, even though he was old and childless. His perseverance was rewarded, and he became the father of many nations.

Chapter 7: The New Covenant

* Jesus is the mediator of a new and better covenant than the Old Covenant.
* The New Covenant is based on God's grace and forgiveness, not on our own obedience.
* Jesus' sacrifice has made it possible for us to have a close relationship with God.

Example: The Old Covenant required animal sacrifices to cover sins, but the New Covenant offers the forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus.