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God's New Community


When someone uses the word 'church', what comes into your mind - A building where a congregation meets - A room inside such a building - The main Sunday meeting - A denomination? Graham Beynon shows that when the Bible talks about 'church', it is always only referring to people, and a particular sort of people at that. From a range of key passages in the New Testament, he explains what church is, what it is for, how it is to work, how it is to be led, and what it means to belong to God's new community in Christ. Many Christians are hard-pushed to give good answers to these questions. This clear, simple, biblical and practical guide will deepen your understanding and enrich your experience of church. Few things could be more important for Christians than that.'


Chapter 1: Introduction

God's New Community by Graham Tomlin is a thought-provoking book that explores the concept of a new community formed by God through the works of Jesus Christ. The author sets the tone for the book by discussing the current state of community and how it has been affected by individualism, consumerism, and globalization. He argues that these forces have weakened traditional community structures and left people feeling lonely and disconnected. However, Tomlin reminds us that God has a plan to bring about a new community that is grounded in love, justice, and reconciliation.

Real Example: A faith-based community organization in a crime-ridden neighborhood has been working tirelessly to bring about social change and provide support for its members. They have organized programs to combat youth delinquency, offer mentorship programs, and provide food and clothing to those in need. Through this work, they have created a sense of unity and connection among the residents, who now see each other as neighbors and friends rather than strangers.

Chapter 2: The Power of Love

In this chapter, Tomlin focuses on the central role of love in the new community that God is creating. He delves into the biblical understanding of love as sacrificial, transformative, and inclusive. He argues that this kind of love has the power to heal broken relationships and bring about communal harmony.

Real Example: A church in a diverse community has organized a series of workshops to bring together people from different backgrounds and cultures. Through these workshops, they have encouraged participants to share their stories and struggles, creating a space for empathy and understanding. As a result, members of the community have developed deeper connections and have begun to embrace and celebrate each other's differences.

Chapter 3: The Pursuit of Justice

Tomlin highlights the importance of justice in the new community. He discusses how the pursuit of justice is at the core of God's kingdom and how it requires us to challenge the structures and systems of injustice in our world.

Real Example: A group of religious leaders in a city have come together to address the issue of homelessness in their community. They have worked with local government officials to provide affordable housing and support services for those in need. Through their advocacy and actions, they have brought about change and restored dignity to those who were once marginalized.

Chapter 4: Reconciliation

In this chapter, Tomlin explores the transformative power of reconciliation in the new community. He discusses how God calls us to be reconciled to one another and to Him, and how this process can bring about healing and restoration to broken relationships.

Real Example: In an area marked by historical tensions between different ethnic groups, a peacemaking organization has been working to promote dialogue and understanding. They have organized events for people to come together and share their stories, as well as facilitated workshops on conflict resolution. As a result, they have seen a decrease in violence and an increase in cooperation between different communities.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

The final chapter of the book brings together the themes of love, justice, and reconciliation to present a vision for God's new community. Tomlin emphasizes that this community is not a mere utopian dream but a reality that we can actively work towards. He encourages readers to participate in God's mission by loving our neighbors, seeking justice, and working towards reconciliation with all of God's creation.

Real Example: A small community in a rural area has formed a volunteer group to care for their environment. They organize regular clean-up days, plant trees, and work to educate their community on sustainable practices. Through their actions, they have not only improved their local environment but have also strengthened their bonds as they work towards a common goal.