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God Calling


Consistently one of our top sellers, over 6 million worldwide. First published in 1935. Those who have suffered pain and worry know how hard it is to write of serenity within. The message of comfort and hope that breathes through the pages of God Calling was forged out of adversity, and as a result has touched the hearts of millions, making this one of the bestselling devotional books of all time. There is a companion volume with more received messages, God Calling 2.

A. J. Russell


Chapter 1: Come Apart and Be with Me

* Summary: God calls us to retreat from the distractions of daily life and spend time alone with Him. This quiet time allows us to hear His voice, receive His guidance, and deepen our relationship with Him.
* Example: A woman struggling with anxiety finds solace in spending time in nature, where she can connect with God's presence and find peace.

Chapter 2: Quiet Waiting

* Summary: In the stillness of waiting, God reveals Himself. He teaches us patience, contentment, and the importance of trusting in His timing.
* Example: A young couple waiting to have children experience unexpected delays. Through this waiting, they learn to trust in God's plan and to appreciate the journey, even when the destination seems distant.

Chapter 3: Little Things

* Summary: God cares about the seemingly insignificant details of our lives. He delights in our joys, comforts us in our sorrows, and guides us through our daily choices.
* Example: A man loses his keys but finds them moments later hidden in his shoe. He realizes that God's presence is with him even in the simplest of circumstances.

Chapter 4: Myself

* Summary: God challenges us to examine our own hearts and motives. He exposes our sin, reveals our need for forgiveness, and calls us to a life of humility and dependence on Him.
* Example: A woman who has been mistreated by others struggles to forgive her abusers. Through God's calling, she realizes the importance of letting go of bitterness and extending grace.

Chapter 5: Others

* Summary: God's love extends to all people, even those who seem different or difficult to love. He calls us to love others unconditionally, regardless of their flaws or circumstances.
* Example: A healthcare worker interacts with patients from various backgrounds and experiences. Through God's calling, she learns to see the dignity and worth in every individual.

Chapter 6: The Everlasting Arm

* Summary: God's strength and protection are always present with us. He is our refuge in times of trouble and our source of comfort and security.
* Example: A family faces a life-threatening illness. Despite the overwhelming challenges, they find strength and hope in knowing that God is with them.

Chapter 7: Time

* Summary: God's timing is not always our own. He works in His own way and on His own schedule. We are called to trust in His plan and to live each day to the fullest.
* Example: A student is anxious about the future and the path his life will take. Through God's calling, he learns to let go of anxiety and focus on the present moment.