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European Stamp Issues of the Second World War


Today, European nations still use stamps to commemorate aspects of a nation's culture, history and achievements. During the Second World War, however, stamps were considered far more important in conveying political and ideological messages about their country's change in fortunes - whether it was as triumphant occupier, willing or unwilling ally, or oppressed victim. Some issues and overprints contained obvious messages, but many others were skillfully designed and subtle in their intentions. Stamps and their accompanying postmarks offer an absorbing and surprisingly detailed insight into the hopes and fears of nations at this tumultuous time. This remarkable collection examines and interprets the stamps of twenty-two countries across western and eastern Europe. The glorification of the Führer and Germany on the stamps of countries he most oppressed was inevitable, but many issues are ambiguous and indicative of the rival ethnic and political forces striving to attain influence and power. Desperate to unite the people, Soviet Russia resorted to images of the nation's heroic achievements under the Tsars; the mutually hostile puppet states Hitler and Mussolini allowed to emerge out of conquered Yugoslavia lost no time in issuing stamps proclaiming their cultural diversity; and Vichy France sought to justify its existence with issues linking past glories under Louis XIV and Napoleon with an equally glorious future alongside Hitler. These and many more stories reveal the aspirations, assumptions and anxieties of so many nations as their destinies hung in the balance.

David Parker


Chapter 1: Prelude to War (1933-1939)

* 1933: Germany issues stamps commemorating Hitler's ascent to power, featuring Nazi symbols (e.g., Swastika)
* 1935: Italy invades Ethiopia; Italian stamps celebrate the "heroic" conquest
* 1938: Germany annexes Austria; "Anschluss" stamps are issued to mark the unification

Chapter 2: The Outbreak of War (1939-1940)

* September 1939: Germany invades Poland; German stamps extol the "liberation" of German minorities
* November 1939: Soviet Union invades Finland; Finnish stamps portray the "Winter War" as a heroic defense
* May 1940: Germany invades Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France; occupation stamps are issued to control postal services

Chapter 3: The Battle for Britain (1940-1941)

* August 1940: Battle of Britain begins; British stamps celebrate the "Battle of the Few" fighter pilots
* September 1940: German stamps commemorate the "Air War over London"
* December 1941: United States enters the war; Allied stamps express solidarity and hope

Chapter 4: The Eastern Front (1941-1944)

* June 1941: Germany invades the Soviet Union; German stamps glorify "Operation Barbarossa"
* December 1941: Soviet stamps depict the heroic resistance of Leningrad
* January 1943: Battle of Stalingrad; Soviet stamps commemorate the "Victory of the Red Army"

Chapter 5: The Western Front (1941-1945)

* June 1944: Allied D-Day landings in Normandy; British and American stamps mark the "liberation" of Europe
* August 1944: Liberation of Paris; French stamps celebrate the "Victory of the People"
* October 1944: Battle of the Bulge; German stamps depict the "last desperate offensive"

Chapter 6: The End of the War (1945)

* February 1945: Yalta Conference; British and American stamps commemorate the "Meeting of the Big Three"
* May 1945: Germany surrenders; German stamps express defeat and despair
* September 1945: Japan surrenders; Allied stamps celebrate the end of the war and the dawn of a new era