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Drawing Geometry


Geometry is both elegantly simple and infinitely profound. Many professionals find they need to be able to draw geometric shapes accurately, and this unique book shows them how.

It provides step-by-step instructions for constructing two-dimensional geometric shapes, which can be readily followed by a beginner, or used as an invaluable source book by students and professionals.

Jon Allen


Chapter 1: Geometric Shapes

* Summary: Introduces the basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, etc.) and their properties.
* Real Example: Drawing a circle using a compass or a circular object.

Chapter 2: Angles and Lines

* Summary: Defines angles and lines, including their different types (acute, right, obtuse, parallel, perpendicular, etc.).
* Real Example: Measuring the angle of a triangle or drawing parallel lines using a ruler and a protractor.

Chapter 3: Polygons

* Summary: Explores different types of polygons (regular, irregular, convex, concave, etc.) and their characteristics.
* Real Example: Drawing a regular hexagon by dividing a circle into six equal parts.

Chapter 4: Quadrilaterals

* Summary: Focuses on the special properties of quadrilaterals (rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapezoids, etc.).
* Real Example: Drawing a rectangle with a given length and width or finding the area of a parallelogram.

Chapter 5: Solids

* Summary: Introduces 3D geometric solids (cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc.) and their properties.
* Real Example: Drawing a cube in perspective or calculating the volume of a cylinder.

Chapter 6: Isometric Drawing

* Summary: Explains isometric drawing, which is a technique for drawing 3D objects in a 2D plane.
* Real Example: Drawing an isometric view of a house or a building.

Chapter 7: Perspective Drawing

* Summary: Explores perspective drawing, which is a technique for creating the illusion of depth in a 2D drawing.
* Real Example: Drawing a landscape with vanishing points and horizon lines.

Chapter 8: Architectural Drawing

* Summary: Provides an overview of architectural drawing, including floor plans, elevations, and sections.
* Real Example: Drawing a floor plan of a house or sketching the elevation of a building.

Chapter 9: Mechanical Drawing

* Summary: Introduces mechanical drawing, which is used to represent engineering designs and components.
* Real Example: Drawing a schematic diagram of an electrical circuit or a blueprint of a machine.

Chapter 10: Advanced Techniques

* Summary: Explores advanced drawing techniques such as shading, texturing, and rendering.
* Real Example: Adding shadows and highlights to a landscape drawing or using texture brushes to create a sense of depth.