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Directory for Catechesis


This new Directory for Catechesis represents the work of over 80 experts over 5 years, reflecting a dynamic renewal in catechesis since its predecessor, and incorporating the magisterial wisdom of the most recent episcopal Synods and Pope Francis's apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. The Directory reflects the most up-to-date expertise on the necessary elements of teaching and personal formation for catechetical work, and provides robust responses to the radical challenges caused by the digital dimension and globalisation of contemporary human culture. The result is a crucial new resource for catechists, educators, and all those working in pastoral and evangelistic work, centred on the core mission and rooted in the essential life-transforming proclamation of the Church: the Gospel itself.

Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization


Chapter 1: The Nature and Mission of Catechesis

* Summary: Defines catechesis as the process of transmitting the faith, emphasizing its transformative and liberating purpose.
* Real Example: A catechist shares a parable about the mustard seed, explaining how the Word of God can grow and transform lives.

Chapter 2: The Fundamental Content of Catechesis

* Summary: Outlines the core elements of the faith to be transmitted, including God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church.
* Real Example: A catechism lesson teaches children about the Trinity, using the analogy of a three-legged stool.

Chapter 3: The Goals of Catechesis

* Summary: Specifies the intended outcomes of catechesis, such as knowledge of faith, personal conversion, and apostolic witness.
* Real Example: A youth group engages in a service project, demonstrating the goal of living out the faith in practical ways.

Chapter 4: The Catechetical Process

* Summary: Describes the steps involved in catechesis, including encounter, proclamation, dialogue, and celebration.
* Real Example: A catechist uses interactive storytelling to engage learners and foster dialogue about the Gospel message.

Chapter 5: The Catechetical Community

* Summary: Emphasizes the importance of community in catechesis, involving the family, parish, and wider society.
* Real Example: A parish establishes a catechetical team that includes parents, teachers, and youth leaders.

Chapter 6: The Catechist

* Summary: Outlines the qualities and responsibilities of a catechist, including witness, competence, and pastoral sensitivity.
* Real Example: A catechist shares her experiences of using personal testimony and Scripture to connect with learners.

Chapter 7: Catechetical Methods

* Summary: Provides guidance on various methods and techniques used in catechesis, such as storytelling, dialogue, and interactive activities.
* Real Example: A catechism class utilizes role-playing to explore the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church.

Chapter 8: Catechesis in the Different Ages of Life

* Summary: Explores the specific catechetical needs and approaches at various stages of life, from childhood to adulthood.
* Real Example: A children's catechesis program focuses on playful activities and simple language to introduce young learners to the faith.

Chapter 9: Catechesis in Different Cultural Contexts

* Summary: Emphasizes the importance of inculturation in catechesis, respecting and incorporating cultural diversity.
* Real Example: A catechist adapts traditional prayer practices to reflect the indigenous culture of his learners.

Chapter 10: Catechesis in Particular Situations

* Summary: Addresses catechesis in specialized circumstances, such as disability, social marginalization, and different religious backgrounds.
* Real Example: A hospital chaplain provides spiritual support and catechesis to patients with terminal illnesses.