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Common Worship: Daily Prayer Hardback


Daily Prayer is the first daily prayer book in the Church of England's history. It contains a Daily Office - a collection of orders of service designed to be prayed at different points through the day. The services may be prayed individually, in groups, churches or in religious communities. Drawing on the daily Bible readings laid out in the Common Worship Lectionary, they allow Anglicans to link their personal devotions into the shared prayer life of the Church. As well as the more traditional services of Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer, Daily Prayer also offers Prayer During the Day, especially designed for those new to regular liturgical prayer. Each service contains the three key elements of praise, intercession and engagement with Scripture. Prayers are included for both Ordinary Time and the seasons of the Christian year. It contains: The Calendar Prayer During the Day Forms of Penitence Morning and Evening Prayer Night Prayer (Compline) Prayers of Intercession The Litany Collects and Refrains Canticles The Psalter The Lord's Prayer and Apostles' Creed on the inside back cover for quick reference.

Church, House Publishing


Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provides an overview of Common Worship: Daily Prayer, its purpose, and its intended use. It highlights the importance of daily prayer in the Christian tradition and encourages readers to incorporate it into their lives.

Chapter 2: Morning Prayer

Real Example:

"O God, you have called us into being and created us in your image. As we begin this day, we turn to you with hearts full of gratitude. We give thanks for the gift of life, for the beauty of your creation, and for the love that surrounds us."


Morning Prayer is a service that begins the liturgical day. It includes readings from Scripture, prayers of praise and thanksgiving, and intercessions for the world. It is designed to help Christians prepare for the day ahead and to focus their hearts on God.

Chapter 3: Noonday Prayer

Real Example:

"In the midst of our daily tasks, we pause to remember your presence, O God. We offer you our work, our thoughts, and our prayers. May your Spirit guide us throughout the day, helping us to live our lives in your service."


Noonday Prayer is a short midday prayer that provides a moment of reflection and renewal. It includes prayers for guidance, strength, and peace, and helps Christians to connect with God even in the busiest of times.

Chapter 4: Evening Prayer

Real Example:

"As day draws to a close, we come before you, O God, seeking forgiveness for our sins and for the ways we have fallen short. We entrust our lives into your care, confident that you will guide us through the darkness and bring us safely to the morning."


Evening Prayer is a service that ends the liturgical day. It includes readings from Scripture, prayers of confession and forgiveness, and prayers for peace and protection. It is designed to help Christians reflect on the day that has passed and to prepare for the night ahead.

Chapter 5: Daily Office

Real Example:

"O Lord, our God, you have ordained the daily office to be offered to you. We pray that this offering may be acceptable to you, a sweet fragrance rising from our hearts to your throne."


The Daily Office is a collection of prayers and readings that can be used for personal devotion or in a group setting. It includes Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline (a short prayer at bedtime). The Daily Office provides a structured way for Christians to engage in daily prayer and to connect with the rhythm of the liturgical day.

Chapter 6: Compline

Real Example:

"Keep watch over us, O Lord, as we sleep this night. Guard us from all harm and danger. May your angels encamp around us, and may your peace fill our hearts."


Compline is a short prayer at bedtime that prepares Christians for a peaceful and restful night. It includes prayers for protection, guidance, and forgiveness. Compline is a gentle way to end the day and to entrust oneself into God's care.

Chapter 7: Supplemental Material

This chapter provides additional resources for daily prayer, including prayers for special occasions, litanies, and meditations. It also includes guidance on incorporating daily prayer into the life of the church and into personal devotional practice.