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Bible Faith Study Course


Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him [God]. . . ." The Bible Faith Study Course takes you through the Word of God to teach you how faith is produced and how it can be released in every area of your life.

Kenneth E Hagin


Chapter 1: Introduction

* Definition of faith and its importance in the Christian life.
* Real Example: The story of Abraham and Sarah, who trusted God's promise of a child despite their age and infertility (Genesis 15-21).

Chapter 2: The Object of Faith

* God as the only true object of faith.
* Real Example: The Israelites' faith in God as they crossed the Red Sea, trusting in His power to deliver them (Exodus 14).

Chapter 3: The Source of Faith

* Faith comes from hearing the Word of God.
* Real Example: The Ethiopian eunuch who believed in Jesus after hearing the Gospel from Philip (Acts 8).

Chapter 4: The Nature of Faith

* Faith is both a gift from God and a choice we make.
* Real Example: The centurion who impressed Jesus with his great faith in His healing power (Matthew 8).

Chapter 5: The Object of Faith

* Faith believes God's promises.
* Real Example: The woman with the issue of blood who believed Jesus would heal her if she touched His garment (Matthew 9).

Chapter 6: The Benefits of Faith

* Faith brings salvation, righteousness, peace, and victory.
* Real Example: The paralytic who was forgiven and healed by Jesus because of his faith in Him (Mark 2).

Chapter 7: The Growth of Faith

* Faith grows through reading the Word, prayer, and sharing our faith with others.
* Real Example: The disciples' faith grew as they witnessed Jesus' miracles and teachings (Matthew 17).

Chapter 8: The Obstacles to Faith

* Doubt, fear, pride, and the world can hinder faith.
* Real Example: Peter's faith wavered as he walked on the water (Matthew 14).

Chapter 9: The Triumph of Faith

* Faith overcomes challenges and leads to victory.
* Real Example: David's faith in God gave him courage to face Goliath (1 Samuel 17).

Chapter 10: The Conclusion

* Faith is essential for a meaningful and abundant Christian life.
* Real Example: The life of George Müller, who trusted God to provide for his orphanage with astounding results (The Life of George Müller: Of Bristol).