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Before Birth and Beyond Death


"We could all benefit positively if we direct our thoughts to all of humankind and consider that birth and death are only portals. We must recognise that the greater part of humankind exists beyond these portals and that we are one with them." -- Karl K�nig

Karl K�nig, following Rudolf Steiner's teachings, believed that human beings are eternal and that our time in our earthly bodies is just one part of our journey. Our souls exist before birth and continue on beyond death until they are reborn.

In these important lectures and essays, K�nig argues that the greatest part of our community exists beyond this earthly life. He calls on us not to neglect our connection with them and encourages us to solicit their guidance so that we might rediscover the values that our society has lost.

In this remarkable book, K�nig suggests that by changing our everyday thinking, we can create a bridge across the threshold of death, allowing essential communication between humans in different states of being and uniting humankind to the benefit of all.

Karl König


Chapter 1: Life Before Birth

* Discusses the reincarnation hypothesis and presents evidence from reincarnation studies, birthmarks, and past life memories.
* Real example: A woman named Susannah Gordon recalls a past life as a Roman gladiator and has memories of his death in the arena.

Chapter 2: The Birth Process

* Explores the spiritual and physical aspects of birth and the role of the mother and father.
* Real example: A doctor recounts the birth of a baby where the mother had a near-death experience and reported communicating with her unborn child.

Chapter 3: Life After Death

* Examines different beliefs about the afterlife, including near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and communication with the dead.
* Real example: A man named Bob Olson has multiple near-death experiences and describes entering a tunnel of light and meeting deceased loved ones.

Chapter 4: The Spirit World

* Delves into the nature of the spirit world, its inhabitants, and the ways in which spirits interact with the living.
* Real example: A medium named John Edward claims to communicate with spirits and has helped people connect with departed loved ones.

Chapter 5: Return to Life

* Investigates the phenomenon of reincarnation and discusses the reasons why spirits may choose to return to Earth.
* Real example: A child named James Leininger has detailed memories of being an American fighter pilot who crashed in World War II.

Chapter 6: Karma and the Law of Attraction

* Explores the concepts of karma and the law of attraction and how they influence our lives and experiences.
* Real example: A woman named Lisa Nichols shares her journey of self-discovery and how she overcame obstacles through the power of positive thinking and manifestation.

Chapter 7: The Purpose of Life

* Discusses the various theories about the purpose of life and the importance of living in alignment with our souls' desires.
* Real example: A spiritual teacher named Deepak Chopra explains that our purpose is to evolve spiritually and connect with the divine.

Chapter 8: Consciousness Beyond Death

* Examines the latest scientific research on consciousness and its potential to continue beyond physical death.
* Real example: The Institute of Noetic Sciences has conducted studies that suggest consciousness may be non-local and may not be bound by the physical body.

Chapter 9: The Bigger Picture

* Provides a broader perspective on the interconnectedness of all life and the role of spirituality in creating a harmonious and compassionate world.
* Real example: The Dalai Lama speaks about the importance of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding in fostering world peace.