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An Exorcist Tells His Story


In this powerful book, the renowned exorcist of Rome tells of his many experiences in his ministry as an exorcist doing battle with Satan to relieve the great suffering of people in the grip of evil. The importance of the ministry to expel demons is clearly seen in the Gospels, from the actions of the Apostles, and from Church history. Fr. Amorth allows the reader to witness the activities of the exorcist, to experience what an exorcist sees and does. He also reveals how little modern science, psychology, and medicine can do to help those under Satan's influence, and that only the power of Christ can release them from this kind of mental, spiritual or physical suffering. An Exorcist Tells His Story has been a European best-seller that has gone through numerous printings and editions. No other book today so thoroughly and concisely discusses the topic of exorcism.

Gabriele Amorth


Chapter 1: The Call to Ministry

* Fr. Thomas recounts his early life and how he felt a calling to the priesthood.
* He shares an encounter with a spiritual being that convinced him of the reality of the supernatural world.

Example: Father Thomas was studying for the priesthood when he experienced a vivid dream in which he saw a man possessed by a demon. The demon spoke to him in a strange, guttural voice, saying, "I will not leave him."

Chapter 2: The Rite of Exorcism

* Fr. Thomas explains the history and nature of exorcism, the Church's official ritual for expelling demons.
* He describes the process of exorcism, including the prayers, rituals, and spiritual warfare involved.

Example: Fr. Thomas recounts an exorcism he performed on a young woman who was possessed by the spirit of a vengeful ex-lover. The demon manifested through the woman, physically attacking Fr. Thomas and speaking in a malevolent voice.

Chapter 3: The Power of Prayer

* Fr. Thomas emphasizes the importance of prayer in exorcism.
* He shares stories of people he has witnessed being delivered from demonic oppression through prayer.

Example: Fr. Thomas tells the story of a priest who was plagued by a demonic infestation in his home. The priest prayed fervently for deliverance, and the infestation eventually ceased.

Chapter 4: Spiritual Warfare

* Fr. Thomas discusses the nature of spiritual warfare and how it relates to exorcism.
* He explains how demons can influence people's lives and the importance of fighting back spiritually.

Example: Fr. Thomas describes a case where a man was possessed by a demon that had been summoned through a Ouija board. The demon tortured the man physically and mentally, but he was eventually delivered through prayer and spiritual warfare.

Chapter 5: The Fruits of Exorcism

* Fr. Thomas shares the positive outcomes he has witnessed after performing exorcisms.
* He tells stories of people who have been freed from demonic oppression and have gone on to live transformed lives.

Example: Fr. Thomas recounts the case of a woman who had been possessed by a demon for over 20 years. After an exorcism, she was completely delivered and became a devout Christian.

Chapter 6: The Continuing Battle

* Fr. Thomas warns that the battle against demonic forces is ongoing.
* He encourages readers to be aware of the dangers of the supernatural world and to seek spiritual protection.

Example: Fr. Thomas urges readers to resist any temptation to dabble in the occult, as it can open doors to demonic influence. He also encourages regular prayer, confession, and receiving the sacraments to strengthen one's spiritual defenses.