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Al-Kitaab Part One With Website PB (Lingco)


Al-Kitaab Part One, Third Edition with Website is the second book in the bestselling Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program. Part One uses an integrated approach to develop skills in formal and colloquial Arabic, including reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural knowledge. This comprehensive program is designed for students in the early stages of learning Arabic. The accompanying companion website-included with the book-offers fully integrated exercises to use alongside the text.


 Three varieties of Arabic-Egyptian, Levantine, and formal Arabic-presented using color-coded words and phrases

 Over 400 vocabulary words in three forms of Arabic, side by side

 Grammar explanations and activation drills, including discussions about colloquial and formal similarities and differences

 Authentic texts that develop reading comprehension skills

 Video dialogues and stories from everyday life in Egyptian, formal Arabic, and Levantine to reinforce vocabulary in culturally rich contexts, available on the Publisher's website

 Presents the story of Maha and Khalid in formal Arabic and Egyptian, and Nasreen and Tariq in Levantine

 Arabic-English and English-Arabic glossaries, reference charts, and a grammar index

For Instructors: Separate print Teacher's Editions of the Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program are no longer available. Instead, instructors should submit exam and desk copy requests using ISBN 978-1-64712-187-7. Instructors may request an answer key, which contains the answers to exercises found in the textbook, separately.

Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, Abbas Al-Tonsi


Chapter 1: Basic Communication

* Introduces basic Arabic grammar and vocabulary for greetings, introducing oneself, and asking and answering simple questions.
* Real Example: "As-salamu alaykum. Ismi Ali. Wa anta?" (Peace be upon you. My name is Ali. And you?)

Chapter 2: The Verbs "to be" and "to have"

* Covers the present tense forms of the verbs "to be" (kan) and "to have" (fi).
* Real Example: "Ana talib" (I am a student). "Indi kitab" (I have a book).

Chapter 3: Asking Questions

* Teaches different types of question words (e.g., min, ma, ay) and how to formulate questions.
* Real Example: "Min anta?" (Who are you?) "Ma hathi?" (What is this?)

Chapter 4: Describing People

* Introduces adjectives and how to use them to describe personal attributes and physical appearance.
* Real Example: "Huwa tawil" (He is tall). "Hiya jamilah" (She is beautiful).

Chapter 5: The Definite Article

* Explains the use of the definite article "al-" and the rules for its placement.
* Real Example: "al-madam" (the school). "al-kitab" (the book).

Chapter 6: Prepositions and Adverbs

* Covers prepositions (e.g., fi, ala, min) and adverbs (e.g., hatha, hunak) and their functions.
* Real Example: "al-kitab ala al-masa" (the book is on the table). "hunak maktaba" (there is a library here).

Chapter 7: Nouns in the Construct State

* Introduces the construct state of nouns and how it is used to possess or relate concepts.
* Real Example: "bayt al-u'ila" (the house of the family). "shajarat al-tuffah" (the apple tree).

Chapter 8: The Verb "to Go"

* Teaches the present and future tense forms of the verb "to go" (dhahab).
* Real Example: "huwa dhahaba ila al-madrasa" (he went to school). "ana adhab ila al-bayt" (I will go home).

Chapter 9: Asking for Directions

* Provides vocabulary and phrases for asking and giving directions, including cardinal directions and landmarks.
* Real Example: "Ayna al-masjid?" (Where is the mosque?) "imshi mustaqiman li-sa'a" (walk straight for an hour).

Chapter 10: Describing Your Daily Routine

* Introduces vocabulary and tenses for describing daily activities and routines.
* Real Example: "astayqizu sa'a sab'a" (I wake up at seven o'clock). "adrus al-lugha al-'arabiyya" (I study Arabic).