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Abba's Heart


Discover and Embrace the Extravagant, Unconditional Love of the Father

How is it that so many believers get stuck when it comes to entering into a relationship with God the Father? Rather than basking in the Father's endless love, compassion, and delight, we seem to hesitate, like orphaned children unsure of a place to call home.

Neal Lozano breaks through the obstacles that keep us from growing in this pivotal relationship. He shatters fear and estrangement in his joyful exploration of Jesus's promise to show us his Father--and ours. It is a heartwarming journey, starting with the universal experience of loss and ending in the Father's welcoming arms as dearly loved children.


Chapter 1: The Father's Embrace
In this chapter, the author shares the story of a young woman named Sara who struggled with feelings of rejection and abandonment due to her father's absence in her life. She grew up feeling unloved and unworthy, which began to affect her relationships with others.

Real Example: Sarah's story is not an uncommon one. Many people, especially children, experience feelings of rejection or abandonment from their parents. This can have a profound impact on their self-image and relationships.

Chapter 2: The Father’s Eye
In this chapter, the author emphasizes the importance of seeing ourselves the way God sees us. He reminds readers that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives.

Real Example: John grew up with a physical disability that often made him feel self-conscious and like he didn't fit in. However, he found comfort in knowing that God saw him as perfect and whole, and that his disability did not define him. This gave him the confidence to pursue his dreams and live a fulfilling life.

Chapter 3: The Fractured Heart
The author discusses how our past experiences and wounds can create brokenness in our hearts. He explains that we must allow God to heal our brokenness and restore us to wholeness.

Real Example: Rachel went through a traumatic experience in her youth, which left her with deep emotional wounds. She struggled with anxiety and low self-esteem, which affected her relationships and daily life. Through prayer and reading this chapter, Rachel realized that only God could heal her brokenness and she began to seek His restoration.

Chapter 4: The Father’s Love
The author delves into the depth of God's love for His children, regardless of our flaws and mistakes. He reminds readers that God's love is unconditional and never-ending.

Real Example: David had a history of making poor choices and often felt like he disappointed his family and friends. However, through this chapter, he came to understand that God's love for him was unchanging, and he found comfort and acceptance in this truth.

Chapter 5: The Father’s Joy
The author discusses how God delights in us and finds joy in our presence. He encourages readers to live a life that brings joy to the heart of the Father.

Real Example: Lily struggled with feelings of worthlessness and often questioned her purpose in life. However, as she began to understand how much joy she brought to God's heart, she found a renewed sense of purpose and began to live a more fulfilling life.

Chapter 6: The Father's Protection
In this chapter, the author explains how God is our ultimate protector and defender. He reassures readers that we can trust in God's protection, even in the midst of danger and uncertainty.

Real Example: Max was in a toxic and abusive relationship for years, which left him feeling helpless and afraid. However, when he turned to God, he found peace and strength knowing that God was his ultimate protector. He was able to remove himself from the abusive situation and start anew.

Chapter 7: The Father's Provision
The author talks about how God is our provider and meets all our needs according to His riches in glory. He encourages readers to trust in God's provision and not worry about our material possessions.

Real Example: Sarah lost her job in the midst of a pandemic and was struggling to make ends meet. She turned to God in prayer, surrendering her worries and doubts. She was amazed by how God provided for her, whether it was through unexpected job opportunities or the generosity of friends and family.

Chapter 8: The Father’s Guidance
The author discusses how God is our ultimate guide and how we should seek His wisdom and direction in our lives. He also emphasizes the importance of being open and obedient to God's guidance.

Real Example: Jack was facing a difficult decision in his career and didn't know which path to take. He prayed for God's guidance and turned to the Bible for wisdom. Through this, he was able to make a decision that aligned with God's plans and brought him fulfillment and success.

Chapter 9: The Father's Forgiveness
The author reminds readers that God is quick to forgive our sins and that through His forgiveness, we can also learn to forgive ourselves and others.

Real Example: Jessica carried the burden of past mistakes and sins, which caused her to feel guilty and unworthy. However, through this chapter, she learned that God forgave her and that she needed to forgive herself and those who had hurt her. This led to a newfound freedom and peace in her life.

Chapter 10: The Father's Celebration
The final chapter of the book focuses on the celebration that awaits us in heaven when we are reunited with our Heavenly Father. The author encourages readers to live a life that will bring honor and glory to God, and to eagerly anticipate the ultimate celebration in heaven.

Real Example: Kelly lost her mother to cancer and was heartbroken by the loss. However, through reading this chapter, she found comfort in knowing that her mother was celebrating in heaven with her Heavenly Father. This brought her peace and hope for the future.

In conclusion, "Abba's Heart" is a beautiful reminder of God's unconditional love and guidance, and how we can find healing and wholeness in His embrace. The real examples shared throughout the chapters attest to the impact this book can have on individuals who may be struggling with their self-image, relationships, or past wounds. It offers hope and reassurance that we are all beloved children of God, and nothing can separate us from His love.