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A New Testament Biblical Theology


Christianity Today 2013 Book Award Winner

In this comprehensive exposition, a leading New Testament scholar explores the unfolding theological unity of the entire Bible from the vantage point of the New Testament. G. K. Beale, coeditor of the award-winning Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, examines how the New Testament storyline relates to and develops the Old Testament storyline. Beale argues that every major concept of the New Testament is a development of a concept from the Old and is to be understood as a facet of the inauguration of the latter-day new creation and kingdom. Offering extensive interaction between the two testaments, this volume helps readers see the unifying conceptual threads of the Old Testament and how those threads are woven together in Christ. This major work will be valued by students of the New Testament and pastors alike.


Chapter 1: The Biblical Theology of Jesus

* Argues that Jesus' teaching and ministry was a radical departure from Jewish expectations.
* Example: Jesus' emphasis on love of enemies and forgiveness contrasts sharply with the Old Testament law of retaliation.

Chapter 2: The Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God

* Explores the central role of the Kingdom of God in Jesus' message.
* Example: The parables of the Kingdom (e.g., the Parable of the Sower) illustrate its nature as a present and future reality.

Chapter 3: The Biblical Theology of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

* Examines the significance of Jesus' death and resurrection for understanding the gospel.
* Example: Jesus' death is seen as a substitutionary atonement for sin, while his resurrection points to his victory over death and the promise of eternal life.

Chapter 4: The Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit

* Discusses the role and work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life.
* Example: The Spirit's indwelling empowers believers with gifts and enables them to live according to God's will.

Chapter 5: The Biblical Theology of the Church

* Explores the nature and mission of the church as the body of Christ.
* Example: The church is described as a holy and universal community, responsible for proclaiming the gospel and living out Christ's teachings.

Chapter 6: The Biblical Theology of the End Times

* Examines the New Testament's teachings on the future events leading up to the final judgment.
* Example: The Book of Revelation provides a symbolic account of the end times, including the battle of good and evil, the return of Christ, and the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth.

Chapter 7: The Biblical Theology of the Old Testament

* Demonstrates the continuity and discontinuity between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
* Example: The Old Testament law points forward to the fulfillment of Christ, while the New Testament reveals the ultimate purpose of the Old Testament story.

Chapter 8: The Biblical Theology of Israel and the Nations

* Examines the relationship between Israel and the nations in biblical theology.
* Example: God's covenant with Israel is not exclusive, as he desires to save all people from every nation.

Chapter 9: The Biblical Theology of Mission

* Explores the mission of the church to spread the gospel and make disciples throughout the world.
* Example: Jesus' Great Commission is the ultimate mandate for Christian mission, empowering believers to be witnesses to his saving grace.