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You Took the Last Bus Home


You Took the Last Bus Home is the first and long-awaited collection of ingeniously hilarious and surprisingly touching poems from Brian Bilston, the mysterious 'Poet Laureate of Twitter'.

With endless wit, imaginative wordplay and underlying heartache, he offers profound insights into modern life, exploring themes as diverse as love, death, the inestimable value of a mobile phone charger, the unbearable torment of forgetting to put the rubbish out, and the improbable nuances of the English language.

Constantly experimenting with literary form, Bilston's words have been known to float off the page, take the shape of the subjects they explore, and reflect our contemporary world in the form of Excel spreadsheets, Venn diagrams and Scrabble tiles.

This irresistibly charming collection of his best-loved poems will make you laugh out loud while making you question the very essence of the human condition in the twenty-first century.

About the Publisher



Unbound was founded by three writers: Dan Kieran, Justin Pollard & John Mitchinson. We think people who love books ? primarily readers and writers ? deserve a say in what does or doesn't get published. You may not be aware of it, but even best selling authors are beginning to have very restrictive parameters imposed on the kinds of books they get to write. Put simply, there are lots of potentially great books we're not getting the opportunity to read.


Chapter 1: The Last Bus

* Introduction: Introduces the protagonist, Amy, a young woman who witnesses a tragic car accident involving a pregnant woman, setting the tone for the novel's exploration of life, loss, and the fragility of human existence.
* Amy's recollections: Amy reflects on the accident and its aftermath, the relentless pursuit of truth and closure that lingers in her mind.

Chapter 2: The Missing Woman

* The investigation begins: Police launch an investigation into the accident and discover that the victim's identity is a mystery, adding to the enigma surrounding the incident.
* Amy's involvement: Amy's knowledge of the accident prompts her to volunteer information, hoping to assist in identifying the victim and understanding the circumstances behind her death.

Chapter 3: The Witness

* The elusive witness: Amy's eyewitness account becomes crucial, and she is identified as a key witness by Detective Sergeant David Raker.
* The search for the truth: Raker engages Amy in a series of interviews, probing her memories and observations to reconstruct the events leading to the accident.

Chapter 4: The Unknown Past

* The victim's identity revealed: Through Amy's testimony and Raker's relentless efforts, the victim is finally identified as Jennifer Allen, a woman with a troubled past.
* Hidden connections: As Amy delves deeper into Jennifer's life, she uncovers connections to a complex web of individuals, secrets, and lies.

Chapter 5: The Suspects

* A cast of characters: Amy and Raker encounter a diverse group of people who were connected to Jennifer, each with their own motives and alibis.
* The puzzle unraveling: Through meticulous investigation and analysis, they piece together the fragments of Jennifer's life, uncovering her relationships, aspirations, and the potential reasons behind her untimely demise.

Chapter 6: The Trial

* The courtroom drama: The case against the prime suspect, Jennifer's estranged husband, culminates in a gripping trial that tests the limits of justice and the pursuit of truth.
* Amy's testimony: As a key witness, Amy's presence in the courtroom becomes a pivotal moment, her account potentially determining the fate of the defendant.

Chapter 7: The Aftermath

* Resolution and closure: The verdict is reached, marking a turning point in the investigation and the lives of those involved.
* Reflections on the journey: Amy and Raker grapple with the complexities of the case, the lingering sense of loss, and the lessons learned in their pursuit of justice.

Real Example:

In the novel, Amy witnesses a car accident involving a pregnant woman. The victim, Jennifer Allen, is later identified and found to have a troubled past with connections to various individuals. One of the key suspects is Jennifer's estranged husband, who is accused of causing her death. As the case unfolds, Amy's eyewitness account becomes crucial in the investigation and the eventual trial, where her testimony plays a pivotal role in determining the outcome.