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Vincent's Trees


Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) felt a profound empathy with the natural environment, and considered the spiritual essence of trees to be comparable with that of human figures. Vincent's Trees traces Van Gogh's development as a painter of trees in the natural landscape - from his home province of North Brabant, through Paris to Provence. Ralph Skea's elegant prose is accompanied by Van Gogh's vibrant illustrations of trees, which range from pencil and ink sketches to watercolours and oil. Stylistic experiments encompassing Pointillism and compositions inspired by Japanese prints give way to the expressive, painterly depictions of his later work. The book also includes quotes from Van Gogh's letters, which convey the depth of his feeling for the natural landscape, and the force with which it affected him.

Ralph Skea, Vincent van Gogh


Chapter 1: Introduction
The first chapter of Vincent's Trees introduces the reader to Vincent, a young boy with a deep love for nature and a fascination with trees. The author sets the scene by describing Vincent's home in a small rural town surrounded by lush forests. The chapter also highlights the importance of trees in Vincent's life, as he spends most of his days exploring and observing them.

Example: Vincent woke up early in the morning and immediately rushed outside to his favorite tree, a tall oak that stood in his backyard. He marveled at its height and the way its branches spread out, providing shade and shelter for countless creatures. Every day, Vincent would spend hours sitting under the tree, sketching its intricate patterns and listening to the calming rustle of its leaves.

Chapter 2: The Treehouse
In this chapter, Vincent's father helps him build a treehouse in his favorite oak tree. Vincent is overjoyed with his new hideaway and spends even more time in the tree, observing its every detail. He also begins to notice the different types of birds and insects that call the tree their home.

Example: Vincent's father helped him nail wooden planks to the trunk of the tree, creating a sturdy platform. Vincent was amazed by the strength and resilience of the tree, as it easily supported the weight of the treehouse and himself. From his new perch, Vincent could see a whole new perspective of the tree, discovering hidden bird nests and intricate patterns on the bark.

Chapter 3: Changing Seasons
As the seasons change, so does Vincent's tree. In this chapter, the author describes how Vincent observes the various stages of the tree, from its vibrant colors in the fall to its bare branches in the winter. Vincent also begins to learn about the importance of each season for the tree's survival.

Example: Vincent noticed the leaves on his tree had turned from bright green to a stunning array of red, orange, and yellow. He spent hours collecting the fallen leaves and creating art projects with them. As the weather turned cold and the tree shed its leaves, Vincent learned that the tree was preparing for winter and would soon be ready to bloom again in the spring.

Chapter 4: A New Neighbor
In this chapter, a new family moves into the house next door, and Vincent is excited to have a new friend to share his love for trees with. However, the new neighbor, Tim, does not share Vincent's passion for nature and instead prefers to spend his time indoors playing video games. Vincent must learn to accept and respect Tim's differences while still finding ways to share his love for trees with him.

Example: Vincent eagerly showed Tim his treehouse and introduced him to his favorite oak tree. While Tim was initially uninterested, Vincent patiently explained the tree's importance and shared fascinating facts about it. Slowly but surely, Tim began to appreciate the tree and even helped Vincent build a birdhouse to hang in its branches.

Chapter 5: A Stormy Night
One stormy night, a lightning strike damages Vincent's oak tree, and he is devastated. In this chapter, Vincent comes face to face with the fragility of nature and learns about the destructive power of storms. With the help of his community, Vincent works to save his beloved tree and discovers the strength and resilience of nature.

Example: Vincent stood outside in the pouring rain, watching as the tree that had become so dear to him swayed dangerously in the wind. When the storm passed, Vincent was heartbroken to see that a large branch had fallen off the tree. He immediately called for help, and together with his neighbors, they were able to trim the damaged branches and save the tree from further harm.

Chapter 6: The Circle of Life
In the final chapter, Vincent learns about the circle of life as he watches his tree continue to grow and change over the years. He also realizes that he has grown and changed along with the tree, and his love for nature has only deepened.

Example: As Vincent grew older, he continued to visit his tree and share his love for nature with others. He marveled at how much the tree had grown and the countless creatures it had supported throughout the years. Vincent also recognized the cycle of life as he observed the tree's fallen leaves returning to the earth and providing nutrients for new growth.
Overall, Vincent's Trees is a heartwarming story about the beauty and importance of nature and the special bond one can form with a tree. Through Vincent's experiences, the reader learns about the different aspects of a tree's life and gains a deeper appreciation for the natural world around us.