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The Winter War


This fascinating millitary history tells the intriguing tale of the bitter and attritional Winter War between the USSR and Finland in the midst of World War II.

On 30 November 1939, Soviet bombers unloaded their bombs on Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Stalin's ultimatum, demanding the cession of huge tracts of territory as a buffer zone against Nazi Germany, had been rejected by the Finnish government, and now a small Baltic republic was at war with the giant Soviet military machine.

But this forgotten war, fought under brutal, sub-arctic conditions, often with great heroism on both sides, proved one of the most astonishing in military history. Using guerrilla fighters on skis, even reindeer to haul supplies on sleds, heroic single-handed attacks on tanks, and with unfathomable endurance and the charismatic leadership of one of the 20th century's true military geniuses, Finland not only kept at bay but won an epic, if short-lived, victory over the hapless Russian conscripts.

Its surreal engagements included the legendary "Sausage Battle", when starving Soviet troops who had over-run a Finnish encampment couldn't resist the cauldrons of hot sausage soup left behind by their opponents - and were ambushed as they stopped to sup.

Although by sheer attritional weight of numbers Stalin eventually prevailed over the Finns, their pointed resistance enabled their country to remain free, even as other countries fell one by one.

This book gives a telling insight into the military history of Russia, as once again Russian troops march on foreign soil, and a nation at Russia's borders fights to retain its independence.

William R. Trotter


Chapter 1: Prelude

* Introduction to the escalating tensions between Finland and the Soviet Union, leading to the Soviet invasion on November 30, 1939.
* Real Example: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a non-aggression treaty between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, secretly divided Eastern Europe into spheres of influence, including Finland.

Chapter 2: The Invasion

* Detailed account of the initial Soviet invasion and its objectives to annex Finland.
* Real Example: The Soviet Red Army crossed the Finnish border at 9 am on November 30, targeting Helsinki, Viipuri, and Oulu.

Chapter 3: Finnish Defense

* Resistance efforts by the vastly outnumbered Finnish army against the Soviet invasion.
* Real Example: The Battle of Suomussalmi, where Finnish troops trapped and annihilated a Soviet division, becoming the first major Finnish victory.

Chapter 4: International Reaction

* Reactions of other countries to the Winter War, including diplomatic protests, sanctions, and volunteer support.
* Real Example: The League of Nations condemned the Soviet invasion and expelled the USSR from its ranks.

Chapter 5: The Main Phase

* Continuation of the war from December 1939 to March 1940, marked by fierce battles and trench warfare.
* Real Example: The Battle of Kollaa, a major Soviet offensive that was ultimately repelled by Finnish forces.

Chapter 6: The Soviet Breakthrough

* Soviet forces finally achieved a major breakthrough in February 1940 on the Karelian Isthmus.
* Real Example: The Mannerheim Line, Finland's main defensive fortification, was breached at Taipale.

Chapter 7: The Peace Negotiations

* Diplomatic efforts to end the war, resulting in the Moscow Peace Treaty on March 12, 1940.
* Real Example: Finland ceded over 10% of its territory, including the city of Viipuri, to the Soviet Union.

Chapter 8: Legacy

* Aftermath of the Winter War and its impact on Finland, the Soviet Union, and the world.
* Real Example: Finland's heroic resistance and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds earned it international respect and admiration.

Chapter 9: Myth and Reality

* Examination of the mythologization and politicization of the Winter War in both Russia and Finland.
* Real Example: The Soviet Union portrayed the war as a justified intervention to protect its interests, while Finland emphasized its role as a victim of aggression.