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The Lincoln Lawyer


There is no client as scary as an innocent man...

Mickey is a Lincoln Lawyer - a criminal defence attorney operating out of the back of his car, a Lincoln - taking whatever cases the system throws at him. He's been a defence lawyer for a long time, and he knows just how to work the legal system. When a Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a woman, Haller gets his first high-paying client in years. The evidence mounts on the defence's side, and Haller might even be in the rare position of defending a client who is actually innocent.

But then the case starts to fall apart. And neither the suspect nor the victim are quite who they seem, and Haller quickly discovers that when you swim with the sharks, you might just end up as prey...

Michael Connelly


Chapter 1:
Matthew McConaughey plays Mickey Haller, a lawyer who works out of the back of his Lincoln Town Car. He is contacted by Louis Roulet, a wealthy real estate developer accused of attempted murder. Roulet claims he is innocent and hires Haller to defend him.

Chapter 2:
Haller investigates the case and begins to suspect that Roulet may not be as innocent as he claims. He discovers that Roulet has a history of violence and has been involved in several lawsuits.

Chapter 3:
Haller confronts Roulet about his past, and Roulet admits to having a temper but denies being capable of murder. Haller begins to develop a theory that Roulet's assistant, Reardon, may have been involved in the plot.

Chapter 4:
Haller investigates Reardon and discovers that he has a criminal record and may have been hired by Roulet to frame him. Haller confronts Reardon, who confesses to the plan and implicates Roulet.

Chapter 5:
Haller confronts Roulet with Reardon's confession, and Roulet breaks down and admits to hiring Reardon to kill his wife's lover. Haller then turns Roulet over to the police.

Chapter 6:
Haller is contacted by Maggie McPherson, a young woman who claims her boyfriend, a police officer, has been murdered. Haller investigates the case and discovers that the officer was corrupt and may have been involved in a drug deal gone wrong.

Chapter 7:
Haller investigates the murder and uncovers a conspiracy involving the police department and a local drug lord. He learns that Maggie's boyfriend was killed because he was about to expose the corruption.

Chapter 8:
Haller confronts the drug lord and the police chief, and they admit to their involvement in the murder. Haller then turns them over to the FBI.

Chapter 9:
Haller is contacted by a mysterious woman who claims to have information about the murder of Maggie's boyfriend. He meets with the woman, who turns out to be the drug lord's wife. She reveals that her husband was responsible for the murder and that she has evidence to prove it.

Chapter 10:
Haller confronts the drug lord with the evidence, and he breaks down and confesses to the murder. Haller then turns the drug lord over to the police.