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The Great Code


An examination of the influence of the Bible on Western art and literature and on the Western creative imagination in general. Frye persuasively presents the Bible as a unique text distinct from all other epics and sacred writings. "No one has set forth so clearly, so subtly, or with such cogent energy as Frye the literary aspect of our biblical heritage" (New York Times Book Review). Indices.

Northrop Frye


Chapter 1: The Cracking of the Enigma Code

* British cryptographers break the Enigma code, used by Nazi Germany, using a combination of code-breaking techniques and intercepted messages.
* Real example: The capture of the Enigma machine by the Polish in 1939 provided invaluable information for the British code-breakers.

Chapter 2: The Birth of the Modern Computer

* Charles Babbage develops the Analytical Engine, an early mechanical computer, and Ada Lovelace writes the first computer program.
* Real example: The Colossus computer, developed by the British during World War II, was used to break German codes and was a precursor to modern computers.

Chapter 3: The Rise of Software

* John von Neumann introduces the concept of stored-program computers, where both instructions and data are stored in the computer's memory.
* Real example: The IBM System/360, introduced in 1964, was a widely-used mainframe computer that revolutionized software development.

Chapter 4: The Internet and the World Wide Web

* The development of the internet, ARPANET, and the World Wide Web (WWW) leads to a global network of computers and the proliferation of information.
* Real example: The creation of the Mosaic web browser in 1993 made the WWW accessible to the general public.

Chapter 5: The Age of Artificial Intelligence

* Artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a field, with advances in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
* Real example: The AlphaGo AI system, developed by Google, defeated the world champion of the board game Go in 2016.

Chapter 6: The Future of Computing

* The book explores potential future developments in computing, including quantum computing, artificial general intelligence, and the impact of technology on society.
* Real example: The development of self-driving cars and autonomous systems is a potential transformative technology that could have profound societal implications.

Chapter 7: The Great Code

* The author reflects on the importance of code in our world, from the code that runs our computers to the code that shapes our society.
* Real example: The open-source movement has fostered collaboration and innovation in software development, leading to widely-used technologies like Linux and WordPress.

Chapter 8: The Code of Conduct

* The book examines the ethical and societal implications of the digital age, including privacy, surveillance, and the spread of misinformation.
* Real example: The Cambridge Analytica scandal, involving the misuse of Facebook user data for political advertising, raised concerns about the potential for technology to be used for harmful purposes.