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The Canterbury Tales


This Norton Critical Edition includes:

 The medieval masterpiece's most popular tales, including-new to the Third Edition-The Man of Law's Prologue and Tale and The Second Nun's Prologue and Tale.
 Extensive marginal glosses, explanatory footnotes, a preface and a guide to Chaucer's language by V. A. Kolve and Glending Olson.
 Sources and analogues arranged by tale.
 Fourteen critical essays, eight of them new to the Third Edition.
 A Chronology, a Short Glossary and a Selected Bibliography.

Geoffrey Chaucer (author), V. A. Kolve (editor), Glending Olson (editor)



* Plot: Pilgrims from various walks of life gather at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, preparing to embark on a pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral.
* Characters: Harry Bailly (the Host), Geoffrey Chaucer (the narrator), the Knight, the Squire, the Yeoman, the Prioress, the Monk, the Friar, the Merchant, the Clerk, the Weaver, the Dyer, the Carpenter, the Tapiser, the Haberdasher, the Cook, the Shipman, the Doctor, the Wife of Bath, the Parson, the Plowman.
* Example: "The Knight was a true, a perfect, gentle knight. His speech and bearing were marked by courtesy and modesty. He had been in service in many campaigns."

The Knight's Tale

* Plot: Theseus, Duke of Athens, captures the Amazon queen Hippolyta and marries her. Her sister Emily is also captured and falls in love with Theseus's cousin, Palamon. They are imprisoned, but eventually escape and fight a duel over Emily, who chooses Palamon.
* Characters: Theseus, Hippolyta, Emily, Palamon, Arcite.
* Example: "And never might he turn his eyes away / From Emily, she looked so lovely there."

The Miller's Tale

* Plot: A carpenter, John, marries a young and beautiful woman, Alisoun. A poor scholar, Nicholas, comes to lodge with them and falls in love with Alisoun. He outwits John and spends the night with her, tricking John into getting stuck in his own tub.
* Characters: John the Carpenter, Alisoun, Nicholas.
* Example: "Of birch and oak was made the chamber door / That Nicholas had managed to unpin."

The Reeve's Tale

* Plot: A miller, Simkin, cheats his customers by stealing flour from their sacks. The reeve (bailiff), Alan, tricks Simkin by borrowing a sack of corn and emptying it into Simkin's own sacks while he is asleep.
* Characters: Simkin the Miller, Alan the Reeve.
* Example: "A miller was there, a cunning, subtle man, / Who knew the secrets of his trade so well."

The Cook's Tale

* Plot: A greedy apprentice, Perkin Revelour, steals a pie from his master. He tries to hide it by putting it in a griddle, but the pie burns and the master discovers Perkin's theft.
* Characters: Perkin Revelour, the master cook.
* Example: "His hair was red, like burnt copper it shone, / And his face was as plump as a ripe apple."

The Man of Law's Tale

* Plot: Constance, daughter of the Emperor of Rome, is married to the Sultan of Syria. She is falsely accused of adultery and thrown into the sea, but is rescued by God. She is reunited with her husband and daughter and returns to Rome as a heroine.
* Characters: Constance, the Sultan of Syria, Alla, Donegild.
* Example: "Now listen to me, you who have been so bold / To judge a woman without knowing her guilt."