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Teaching Number


Wright, Robert J


Chapter 1: Number Sense and Number Operations

* Defines number sense as a flexible and intuitive understanding of numbers and their relationships.
* Discusses the importance of developing number sense as a foundation for mathematical operations.
* Provides strategies and activities for fostering number sense, such as counting, comparing, and estimating.

Teacher: "Let's estimate how many beans are in this jar."
Students: "About 100."
Teacher: "Now, let's count them by 10s to check."
Students: "10, 20, 30... 100."
Teacher: "Our estimate was pretty close!"

Chapter 2: Addition and Subtraction

* Explores the concepts of addition and subtraction and their inverse relationship.
* Introduces different strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems, including counting on, counting back, and using number lines.
* Emphasizes the role of estimation and mental math in developing proficiency in these operations.

Teacher: "Can you solve 25 + 14?"
Student: "I can count on 14 by adding 1 until I get to 25."
Teacher: "Great job! Another way to solve this is to use a number line."
Student: "I can start at 25 and skip count by 14 until I reach the answer."

Chapter 3: Multiplication and Division

* Presents multiplication and division as repeated addition and subtraction, respectively.
* Discusses the use of multiplication and division tables, arrays, and number bonds to develop understanding of these operations.
* Explores strategies for solving multiplication and division problems, including skip counting, fact families, and mental math.

Teacher: "What is 6 x 8?"
Student: "I can use a multiplication table to find the answer."
Teacher: "Yes, 6 x 8 is 48. You can also use an array to visualize this."
Student: "I can draw a rectangle with 6 rows and 8 columns. That gives me 48 squares."

Chapter 4: Fractions

* Introduces the concept of fractions as parts of a whole.
* Explores different representations of fractions, including fraction circles, fraction bars, and number lines.
* Discusses strategies for comparing, adding, and subtracting fractions.

Teacher: "What fraction of this pizza has been eaten?"
Students: "One-half."
Teacher: "Can you show me how on the fraction circle?"
Student: "I can divide the circle into two equal parts. One of them is eaten, so the fraction is 1/2."

Chapter 5: Measurement

* Explores different units of measurement for length, area, volume, and weight.
* Discusses methods for measuring objects using rulers, measuring cups, scales, and thermometers.
* Introduces the concept of estimation and the importance of using appropriate units of measurement.

Teacher: "Can you measure the length of this pencil?"
Student: "I can use a ruler."
Teacher: "Make sure you line up the end of the pencil with the zero mark."
Student: "The length is 15 centimeters."