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She was a fugitive, lost in a storm. That was when she saw the sign: motel – vacancy. The sign was unlit, the motel dark. She switched off the engine, and sat thinking, alone and frightened. She had nobody. The stolen money wouldn't help her, and Sam couldn't either, because she had taken the wrong turning; she was on a strange road. There was nothing she could do now – she had made her grave and she'd have to lie in it. She froze. Where had that come from? Grave. It was bed, not grave. She shivered in the cold car, surrounded by shadows. Then, without a sound, a dark shape emerged from the blackness and the car door opened. Psycho is not a tale for queasy stomachs or faint hearts. It is filled with horrifying suspense and the climax, instead of being a relief, will hit the reader with bone-shattering force.

Robert Bloch


Chapter 1: Man on the Run

* Marion Crane, a real estate clerk, steals $40,000 from her employer and flees Phoenix, Arizona.
* As she drives through the desert, she feels guilty and anxiety-ridden.

Chapter 2: Motel

* Marion checks into the Bates Motel, run by Norman Bates, a shy and awkward young man.
* She finds Norman likable but also slightly strange.
* She decides to spend the night at the motel.

Chapter 3: The Shower Scene

* Marion takes a shower in her motel room.
* As she stands under the water, the shower curtain is pulled back and a figure with a butcher knife appears.
* The figure stabs Marion multiple times, killing her.

Chapter 4: Arbogast

* Detective Milton Arbogast arrives at the Bates Motel to investigate Marion's disappearance.
* Norman acts nervous and cooperative but avoids giving any information about Marion.
* Arbogast suspects that Norman is hiding something.

Chapter 5: Lila

* Marion's sister, Lila, and her boyfriend, Sam Loomis, arrive at the motel to search for Marion.
* They find Norman's behavior suspicious and believe he has harmed Marion.

Chapter 6: Mother

* Arbogast, Lila, and Sam discover a hidden basement room at the motel.
* Inside, they find a mummified corpse that resembles Norman's mother, who had died years earlier.
* Norman reveals that he has been dressing in his mother's clothes and impersonating her since her death.

Chapter 7: Flashback

* Norman explains that his mother was a dominating and controlling woman who made him believe he was insane.
* He killed her and buried her body in the basement, but her personality remained with him and took over his life.

Chapter 8: Resolution

* Arbogast arrests Norman for Marion's murder and his other crimes.
* Norman is taken to a mental hospital, where he will spend the rest of his life.
* Lila and Sam are relieved that Marion's death has been solved, but they are also haunted by the horror they have witnessed.