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Prometheus Bound


The play's title figure has long held a central place in the 'libertarian' stream of Western culture, but controversies continue to swirl about the work and its hero. What are we to make of Prometheus's extravagant claims? Was he, as he insists, the only force that stood between the human race and extinction? Can Zeus really have been as misanthropic as his adversary paints him? Are we, in short, to think of Prometheus as a genuine hero, or merely as a megalomaniac rebel without sufficient cause?
As for the play itself, the present editor, flying in the face of current orthodoxy, takes the view that the case against Aeschylean authorship has not been established. But this lingering doubt should do nothing to diminish its stature as a masterpiece of ancient Greek drama. The volume presents the original Greek text with facing-page translation, commentary and notes.

Aeschylus, A. J. Podlecki


Chapter 1

- Prometheus, the Titan of forethought, is chained to a rock by order of Zeus for revealing the secret of fire to humans.
- The chorus of Oceanides arrives and expresses sympathy for Prometheus, but he refuses their pleas for submission.
- Prometheus denounces Zeus's tyranny and predicts his downfall.


"I, Prometheus, who brought fire to mortals, | Now hang in chains, a victim to your ire."

Chapter 2

- Io, a heifer transformed by Zeus's jealous rage, arrives and tells of her wanderings and suffering.
- Prometheus foretells Io's future and reveals that her son will be Zeus's downfall.
- Io curses Zeus for her torment and leaves in despair.


"Cursed be you, Zeus! For your cruel decree | Has turned me into this monstrous beast you see."

Chapter 3

- The chorus reflects on the fickleness of fortune and the hubris of those who challenge the gods.
- Prometheus arrives at the spot where he will be chained forever.
- The blacksmiths Hephaestus, Violence, and Strength bind Prometheus to the rock with unbreakable chains.


"Bind him with chains that cannot be broken, | And let him hang in agony until his spirit is crushed."

Chapter 4

- The chorus witnesses Prometheus's torture and grieves for his suffering.
- Prometheus continues to defy Zeus, declaring that he will never reveal the secret that could save him.
- The Oceanides offer their sympathy and support, but Prometheus remains steadfast.


"Though you torment my body, my spirit remains unbound. | I will never yield to your tyranny, O Zeus."

Chapter 5

- The Titan Oceanus arrives and warns Prometheus that his resistance will only lead to more pain.
- Prometheus rejects Oceanus's advice and asserts his belief in his own righteousness.
- Oceanus departs, promising to return with a plan to help Prometheus.


"Heed my words, Prometheus: bow to Zeus's will. | Otherwise, your suffering will only increase."

Chapter 6

- Hermes, the messenger of the gods, descends from heaven and orders Prometheus to reveal the secret that Zeus fears.
- Prometheus refuses, provoking Hermes's threats and mockery.
- The chorus remains silent, torn between their sympathy for Prometheus and their fear of Zeus.


"Zeus demands that you reveal the secret that could end his reign. | Submit, or face an eternity of torment."