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Nineteen Eighty-Four


THE JURA EDITION with new introduction by Alex Massie 'For him Jura was home' - Richard Blair on his father George Orwell 'The book of the twentieth century . . . haunts us with an ever-darker relevance' - Ben Pimlott, Independent 'The greatest British novel to have been written since the war' - Time Out 'His final masterpiece . . . enthralling and indispensable for understanding modern history' - New York Review of Books The year is 1984 and war and revolution have left the world unrecognisable. Great Britain, now known as Airstrip One, is ruled by the Party, led by Big Brother. Mass surveillance is everything and The Thought Police are employed to ensure that no individual thinking is allowed. Winston Smith works at The Ministry of Truth, carefully rewriting history, but he dreams of freedom and of rebellion. It is here that he meets and falls in love with Julia. They start a secret, forbidden affair - but nothing can be kept secret, and they are forced to face consequences more terrifying than either of them could have ever imagined. In this new edition of a modern classic, Alex Massie's introduction highlights the importance that Jura had on the writing of one of the twentieth century's most important works of fiction. 


Chapter 1

Setting: Dystopian London, 1984
Protagonist: Winston Smith

* Introduction of the totalitarian super-state Oceania, ruled by the Party led by Big Brother.
* Winston, a low-ranking Party member, secretly rebels against the regime by keeping a diary of forbidden thoughts.

Chapter 2

* Winston recalls his past before the Party came to power, when there was freedom and individuality.
* He meets Julia, a fellow rebel, and they begin a secret affair, forbidden by the Party's strict moral code.

Chapter 3

* Winston learns about the Party's history and its control over the past, present, and future.
* He encounters Emmanuel Goldstein, the enigmatic leader of the resistance movement against the Party.

Chapter 4

* Winston and Julia seek refuge in a secluded area outside London, where they experience moments of freedom and joy.
* They are tracked down by the Thought Police, who arrest them for their crimes.

Chapter 5

* Winston is imprisoned and tortured at the Ministry of Love.
* He undergoes intense interrogation, brainwashing, and physical torment.
* He eventually betrays Julia and renounces his rebellious thoughts.

Chapter 6

* Winston is released from prison and returns to his life as a loyal Party member.
* He realizes that the Party has destroyed his spirit and that he is now a mere shell of his former self.
* He accepts the Party's ideology and becomes a true believer.

Chapter 7

* Winston reflects on his downfall and the futility of his resistance.
* He encounters O'Brien, a high-ranking Party member who reveals the true nature of the regime.
* O'Brien explains that the Party's goal is to create a society of complete conformity and that all rebellion is ultimately futile.

Chapter 8

* Winston and Julia confront their own mortality and the inevitability of death.
* They resolve to love each other in the face of adversity and to resist the Party's attempts to control their minds.

Chapter 9

* Winston and Julia are executed for their crimes against the Party.
* Their final thoughts are of rebellion and hope for a better future.

Real Example:

The infamous "Two Minutes Hate" propaganda session in Chapter 2 vividly illustrates the Party's control over its citizens' emotions and its ability to manufacture hatred and fear. The daily two-minute broadcast features a series of images and slogans designed to incite the population against foreign enemies, Goldstein, and any perceived threat to the Party's power.