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My Friend Miss Flint


This comedy was a hit at the Theatre Royal. When Tom Lambert, botanist and TV gardening personality, receives a call from Inland Revenue enquiring about his public relations consultant Joanna Flint, he can honestly say he has never heard of her.

Churchill, Donald


Chapter 1: The Mysterious Tenant

* Harriet Pringle, a lonely, elderly woman, rents a room in the house of Hilda Flint, a lively and eccentric writer.
* Hilda's unusual appearance and behavior intrigue Harriet, who suspects she is hiding a secret.

Chapter 2: Hilda's Secret

* Hilda reveals to Harriet that she was once a famous actress, but her career ended abruptly due to a scandal.
* She has spent the past decades hiding her true identity to avoid public scrutiny.

Chapter 3: The Bird's Nest

* Harriet discovers a bird's nest in Hilda's garden and becomes fascinated with its inhabitants.
* She learns that the birds symbolize hope and renewal, mirroring Hilda's own journey of self-discovery.

Chapter 4: The Garden Party

* Hilda hosts a garden party, inviting an eclectic group of friends and acquaintances.
* Harriet witnesses Hilda's social graces and her ability to charm others despite her past.

Chapter 5: The Lost Letter

* Hilda receives a letter that triggers painful memories for her.
* Harriet suspects it is related to the scandal that ended her acting career.

Chapter 6: The Truth Emerges

* Hilda reveals the truth about the scandal: she had an affair with a married man, which was scandalous in those days.
* Harriet offers her support and empathy, understanding the need for forgiveness and redemption.

Chapter 7: The Power of Forgiveness

* Harriet encourages Hilda to confront her past and make amends.
* Hilda writes a letter to the man she had wronged, seeking his forgiveness.

Chapter 8: A New Beginning

* Hilda receives a reply from the man, who grants her forgiveness.
* She finds closure and a sense of peace, knowing she has made amends for her past mistakes.

Chapter 9: The Gift of Friendship

* Harriet and Hilda's friendship deepens as they navigate life's challenges together.
* They realize that true friendship can withstand secrets, scandals, and the passage of time.

Chapter 10: The Bird's Nest Revisited

* Harriet returns to the bird's nest in the garden, finding it empty.
* She reflects on the symbolism of the birds, realizing that Hilda has flown free from her past and embraced a new chapter in her life.