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One spring morning in 1957, veteran photojournalist David Douglas Duncan paid a visit to his friend and frequent photographic subject Pablo Picasso, at the artist's home near Cannes. As a co-pilot alongside Duncan in his Mercedes Gullwing 300 SL was the photographer's pet dachsund, Lump. Photographer and dog were close companions, but Duncan's nomadic lifestyle and his other dog - a giant jealous Afghan hound who had tormented Lump - made their life in Rome difficult. When they arrived at Picasso's Villa La Californie that historic day, Lump decided that he had found paradise on earth, and that he would move in with Picasso, whether the artist welcomed him or not.

This is the background for a totally original book that offers an uncommonly sensitive portrait of Picasso. Lump was immortalized in a Picasso portrait painted on a plate the day they met, but that was just the beginning. In a suite of forty-five paintings reinterpreting Velasquez's masterpiece 'Las Meninas', Picasso replaced the impassive hound in the foreground with jaunty renderings of Lump.

Today, as a gift from the artist to his hometown as a youth, all of those historic canvases are now the centerpiece exhibition in the Picasso Museum of Barcelona. Fourteen of the paintings are reproduced here in full colour, juxtaposed with Duncan's dramatic and intimate black-and-white photographs of Picasso and Lump, bringing full circle the odyssey of a lucky dachshund who found his way to becoming a furry, super-stretched icon of modern art.


Chapter 1: The Lump

* Introduces Emily, a 35-year-old woman who discovers a lump in her breast during a self-examination.
* Emily experiences fear and confusion as she contemplates the possibility of breast cancer.
* Real example: "Emily felt a sharp pang of dread as her fingers traced the hard, pea-sized lump beneath her skin. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong."

Chapter 2: The Mammogram

* Emily undergoes a mammogram, a medical imaging test used to detect breast cancer.
* The results show an abnormal mass, necessitating further testing.
* Real example: "Emily's heart pounded with anticipation as she waited for the verdict. The radiologist's words sent shivers down her spine: 'There's a suspicious area that requires a biopsy.'"

Chapter 3: The Biopsy

* Emily has a biopsy, a procedure that involves removing a sample of the mass for examination.
* The results confirm that the lump is cancerous.
* Real example: "As the doctor read the pathology report, Emily's world seemed to implode. The diagnosis had hit her like a thunderbolt: 'Invasive ductal carcinoma.'"

Chapter 4: The Treatment Plan

* Emily meets with a team of doctors to discuss her treatment options.
* She opts for a lumpectomy, a surgical procedure to remove the cancer and surrounding tissue.
* Real example: "Emily weighed the risks and benefits of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. After careful consideration, she decided that a lumpectomy was the best course of action."

Chapter 5: The Lumpectomy

* Emily undergoes the lumpectomy, which is performed under general anesthesia.
* The surgery removes the cancer and preserves as much of the breast tissue as possible.
* Real example: "The operation went smoothly, and Emily was relieved to wake up with her breast intact. However, she knew that the battle was not yet over."

Chapter 6: Recovery and Adjuvant Therapy

* Emily recovers from the surgery and begins adjuvant therapy, which is additional treatment to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
* She receives radiation therapy and takes medication to prevent hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer from returning.
* Real example: "Emily diligently attended her radiation appointments and faithfully took her medication. She was determined to do everything in her power to stay cancer-free."

Chapter 7: The Journey Continues

* Emily becomes an advocate for breast cancer awareness and support.
* She joins support groups, counsels newly diagnosed patients, and shares her story to inspire others.
* Real example: "Emily's experience led her to become a passionate voice for women's health. She dedicated herself to helping others navigate the challenges of breast cancer and live full, meaningful lives."